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Building managers contact list

A page within Facilities Management

Maintenance Building
Building Building Manager Extension
Archaeology Building Wendy Holtz-Leith 8455
Athletic Facilities Carly Sprouse 5178
Cartwright Center Ryan Ray 8912
Centennial Hall Criss Gilbert 8074
Child Care Center Ashley Franzo 8813
Cleary Alumni & Friends Center Kailey Mael 8489
Cowley Hall Ryan Ray 8912
Fieldhouse Carly Sprouse 5178
Graff Main Hall Kim Schliebe 8593
Grounds Services Building Tony Meidl 8581
Health Science Center Catherine Kolkmeier 5151
Heating Plant Gary Donohue 8710
Lowe Center for the Arts Krista Shulka 6701
Maintenance & Stores Building Tom Venner 8019
Mitchell Hall Carly Sprouse 5178
Morris Hall Jill Kirkpatrick 8134
Murphy Library John Jax 8805
Police Services & Parking Ramp Allen Hill 8108
Prairie Springs Science Center Ryan Ray 8912
Recreational Eagle Center Neil Ostlund 8698
Residence Halls Lisa Walker 8075
Student Union Kyle Burke 8882
Whitney Center Kyle Burke 8882
Wimberly Hall    
Wing Technology Center Matthew Bornheimer 5473
Wittich Hall Mary Grattan 8098