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Campus HVAC

A page within Facilities Management

Maintenance Building

Campus Engineering is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all mechanical systems on campus. This includes all the Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment and systems, building controls, and all plumbing fixtures and piping. This also includes the central chilled water plant and the associated chilled water distribution system.

Brian Koxlien  Profile of Brian Koxlien  Office hours

Our goal is to keep you comfortable on campus!

If you are experiencing a problem with the temperature, air flow, or humidity anywhere on campus, or have any plumbing-related problems, please give us a call at 608.785.8585 or fill out an iService Desk request.

Types of Services Provided:


  • Maintain and repair all heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Mechanical and electrical repair of air handling units and chillers
  • Maintain and repair fume hoods, environmental growth chambers, pumps and Data Center cooling
  • Service and repair ice machines and cold rooms
  • Troubleshoot, repair, and adjust pneumatic, electronic, and line voltage controls 

Our technicians perform weekly, monthly, and annual maintenance on equipment, and repair and install new machinery for more efficient temperature control. 


  • Unplug drains
  • Routine preventative maintenance of emergency showers, eyewashes, and domestic hot water circulators
  • Repair and replacement of sewage and storm water pumps
  • Perform minor construction
  • Install new departmental equipment 

Cooling Plant:

The campus is cooled by five water chillers including two Trane chillers in the new West Chiller Plant.  These chillers provide the campus with 6000 tons of cooling (72,000,000 btu/hr). Eighteen campus buildings are air conditioned: Whitney Center, Recreational Eagle Center/Child Care, Health Science Center, Wing Technology Center, Murphy Library, Center for the Arts, Cowley Hall, Archaeology Center, Eagle Hall, W. Carl Wimberly Hall, Centennial Hall, Morris Hall, Police Services, Cleary Alumni Center, Graff Main Hall, Reuter Hall, and the Roger Harring Stadium.

The chilled water is distributed to these buildings through underground pipes and recirculated back to the chiller plants. 

Heating and cooling in buildings is controlled by an building automation system (BAS), located in the Maintence and Stores building on the North Campus.  The BAS turns the building HVAC equipment on and off by a pre-programmed sequence dependent upon both the time of day, day of week, and outside weather conditions.