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University central fleet

A page within Facilities Management

Maintenance Building

Maintenance & Stores Building 
855 East Avenue North

Standard Operating Procedures

The use of university vehicles or reimbursement for the use of privately-owned vehicles is dependent upon the driver having been cleared through University Police.

University vehicles will only be used for official university business. The use of vehicles for side trips, travel to or from home of residence, etc., is strictly forbidden. Family members may not ride in the university vehicles unless absolutely necessary. When the company of family members is desired on business trips, the employee should use his/her own vehicle.

Official university travel will be made in university vehicles. The only exception to this policy will be when University vehicles are not available and requestor is so notified by the dispatcher. A record of extra car requests is maintained to allow dispatching to a requestor previously notified of vehicle non-availability should a cancellation occur. Certificates of non availability will be issued after a request has been made prior to a trip for which no university vehicle could be provided. Subject certificates are then presented by each requestor to Business Services for reimbursement for the use of a personal vehicle.


  • Vehicles are requested/dispatched from the Customer Service Center between 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

  • Requestor must provide dispatcher with date/time vehicle is required, date/time of return, that the driver has been cleared through University Police, name of driver, department, and destination.

  • Vehicle requests should be made in advance. Vehicles will be dispatched on a first-come, first-served basis. Any conflict or special circumstances will be resolved by the Director of Facilities Management. The dispatcher will adhere to this policy and is only responsible to the Director of Facilities Management for implementation.

  • If a private vehicle is parked at the Maintenance and Stores Building, it must occupy a parking stall in the passenger fleet area; otherwise, the vehicle will be ticketed for a parking violation.

  • University faculty/staff members  only  can request and be dispatched university vehicles. Individuals to whom vehicles are released then assume responsibility for the driver, including student drivers. The staff/faculty member or his/her authorized representative should be present in the vehicle during operation. Student drivers must present student authorization forms signed by the department head to the dispatcher prior to departure. Requestors assume the responsibility for having authorization from the department head whose budget will be charged an appropriate fee.

  • Requestors assume full responsibility for observance of all traffic regulations, compliance with university policy, supervision of students and safe vehicle operation.

  • User cancellations should be made no later than 24 hours prior to time of requested dispatch to allow departments on the extra car request list to be notified of vehicle availability.

  • Failure to cancel a vehicle reservation 24 hours prior to a trip or returning a vehicle later than scheduled will result in a charge equivalent to the daily rental rate for that scheduled vehicle.

  • The individual signing out a university vehicle shall make sure he/she departs La Crosse with a full tank of gasoline. At the time keys are picked up, the driver will receive credit cards to be used only for the purchase of gasoline and minor service station repairs (less than $100) on the return trip to campus. If any gasoline is purchased without a credit card, please keep receipt for reimbursement. For major repairs- those equal to or greater than $100--call the UWL dispatcher for authorization during normal working hours or contact University Police after working hours.

  • When returned, vehicles shall be parked in the fleet area on the north side of the Maintenance and Stores Building, locked, and the keys, mileage report and gas slips placed in the mail slot adjacent to the entry/north personnel door.

  • All University vehicles shall be kept locked when unattended.

  • All vehicles are equipped with safety belts and occupants are required to use them. A full report as required by law shall be made by the driver of any University vehicle involved in an accident. Accident report blanks will also be found in the glove compartment of each vehicle.

  • Departments or programs will be assessed for vehicle repairs and associated costs for incidents resulting from driver negligence or when the vehicle is used beyond routine operating conditions.

  • Mechanical problems should be reported by the driver when a vehicle is returned. Write any problems encountered on the mileage report.

  • Drivers of university vehicles shall file the usual travel voucher for reimbursement expenses. Designate university car number as the mode of travel. Vehicle identification is stenciled on the driver's side of each car. Retain a copy of all invoices related to vehicle purchases and repair, and return to the UWL dispatcher. Drivers who obtain the required receipts will be reimbursed for parking fees and tolls incurred in the operation of university vehicles
  • Care should be exercised to see that vehicles are not overloaded. An 8 passenger station wagon should not have more than 7 people in it without luggage. If luggage or equipment is taken along then only 6 people and luggage should comprise a load. A 5-passenger station wagon will accommodate 5 persons with or without luggage. A van will accommodate 12-13 persons with or without luggage. A large sedan is fully loaded on a long trip with 5 people without luggage or 4 people with limited luggage. Slight variations may be allowed on trips under 100 miles when staying overnight is not involved. State vehicles shall not be driven at speeds in excess of speed limits. Drivers are solely responsible for any traffic violations they receive.