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A page within Faculty Senate

The following standing committees and their bylaws are created by action of the senate to support its work.

Please refer to the Faculty Senate Policies and Articles and Bylaws for further information regarding the senate and faculty committees.

Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes are the official record of proceedings and actions taken during committee meetings. Please follow these guidelines for taking meeting minutes for faculty senate meetings.  Questions can be directed to the Faculty Senate office at

Faculty Development (FDC)

Faculty Development Committee (FDC) meets on Wednesday’s normally only during the Fall semester, from 2:15 – 3:30 pm in GMH 327. 

2023-2024 Membership

Bonita Jo Brantina, recorder
Michael Current
Katherine Kortenkamp
Christopher McCracken, convener/chair
David M Mindel
Daniel Sambu
Tanvi Thakkar

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Advocating for the initiation, development, and implementation of funding programs concerned with improvement of instruction and faculty development. 
  • Establishing and reporting on priorities for faculty development and improvement of instruction programs. 
  • Establishing written screening and selection procedures, and providing guidelines for grant proposals related to improvement of instruction and faculty development. 
  • Reviewing, screening, and approving for funding proposals, which are related to the improvement of instruction and faculty development and forwarding the results of this review to the Office of the Provost. 

Charge Letter

Meeting Minutes

Committee Documents

Click here for previous academic year committee membership, meeting minutes, charge letters, final reports and committee documents for the Faculty Development Committee.

Research & Grants

2023-2024 Membership

Nicholas Patrick Barilar
Shanna Felix-Highsmith
Lema Kabashi
Dawn Norris
Christine Schwartz
Rachyl Stephenson, chair/recorder
Tanvi D Thakkar
Lei Wang
Jaclyn Wisinski

Bryn Rouse, Ex-Officio member

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Establishing written guidelines and screening and selection procedures for research proposals. 
  • Establishing written procedures for evaluating and ranking research proposals. 
  • Receiving and evaluating research proposals from members of the faculty. 
  • Apportioning institutional funds for research and informing grant recipients of their awards. 
  • Providing applicants who did not receive grant money reasons for denial. 
  • Advising the coordinator of gifts and grants in the solicitation of grant monies. 
  • Providing the UW-L Foundation with a list of committee faculty members from which it may select advisory members for its Grants and Review Committee. 

Charge Letter

Meeting Minutes

Committee Documents

Click here for previous academic year committee membership, meeting minutes, charge letters, final reports and committee documents for the Research & Grants Committee.

Scholarships & Awards

2023-2024 Membership

Bianca Basten, recorder
Anders Cedergren, chair
Tanya J Cordes
Bryan Kopp
Shiang Liu convenor
Valerie Krage
Jarred Pfeiffer
Ellen Rozek
Changyu Yang
Lizzy Hanstedt, Undergraduate Student Representative
Terra Clark, Undergraduate Student Representative
Amelia Fortner, Undergraduate Student Representative

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Screening applications for scholarships and awards and recommending their recipients. 
  • Providing the UWL Foundation with a list of committee faculty members from which it may select advisory members for its Scholarship Committee. 

Charge Letter

Meeting Minutes

Committee Documents

Click here for previous academic year committee membership, meeting minutes, charge letters, final reports and committee documents for the Scholarships & Awards Committee.

Undergraduate Research

2022-2023 Membership

Keith Beyer
Wen-Chiang Chen
Yvonne Collyar
Agatha Hultquist
Kristina LaPlant, chair
Tesia Marshik, recorder/convener
Cody Nathaniel Vaughn
Chad Vidden 
Alder Yu

Nick Bakken, Ex-Officio

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Establishing written evaluation procedures and criteria for funding undergraduate research proposals. 
  • Establishing written procedures for applying for undergraduate research funds. 
  • Publicizing the availability of undergraduate research funds and the procedures for applying for those funds. 
  • Receiving and evaluating research proposals from undergraduate students. 
  • Apportioning institutional funds for undergraduate research. 
  • Advising the coordinator of gifts and grants in the solicitation of grant monies to support undergraduate research. 
  • Planning and conducting an annual Undergraduate Research Day, as well as other means of disseminating undergraduate research results. 

Charge Letter

Meeting Minutes

Committee Documents

Click here for previous academic year committee membership, meeting minutes, charge letters, final reports and committee documents for the Undergraduate Research Committee.

If you require further information, email the faculty senate office
at or call 608-785-8018.

Faculty Senate Meeting Dates

Click on each date below to see the agenda, meeting minutes, and distributed documents.

Fall 2024

Sept.5  Sept. 19 Oct. 3
Oct. 17

Oct. 31

Nov. 14
Nov. 21 Dec. 5  

Spring 2025


All Faculty Senate meetings are scheduled in Union 2310 and typically start at 3:45 p.m.