General Education
A page within Faculty Senate
The Organizational Meeting for the Incoming 60th Faculty Senate AY2025-2026 will be Held in Room UNION 2310 (Student Senate Chambers) on:
May 1, 2025
Note: The following information will be posted on the GEC website. Below is a preview.
Proposals for new GE courses and updates to current GE courses must answer new questions in the course CIM form, including the following:
- General Education Category and Program Learning Outcome
- Explain how the course aligns with the specified GE category and category description.
- Explain how course student learning outcome(s) align with the program learning outcome for the specified category.
- Explain how the course relates to "the broad education of the whole person and plays a vital role in preparing students for life beyond the university." (Undergraduate Catalog)
The GEC reviews course proposals using the following criteria:
- Proposal demonstrates course is useful for all students who may enroll, including non-majors with limited background knowledge or interest in the discipline. The course should be approachable, with accessible content and structure that encourages participation and engagement from a broad range of students. If a 300- or 400-level course is proposed to the GE program, it must justify how it focuses on broadly applicable skills and ensure that the level of prerequisite knowledge is appropriate for a wide range of learners.
- All sections of the Course Proposal, including the course description and SLOs, reflect the purposes of GE.
- Course clearly aligns with the specified GE category and category description.
- Course student learning outcome(s) [SLO(s)] align with the program learning outcome (PLO) for the category;
- Course explains how it relates to “the broad education of the whole person and plays a vital role in preparing students for life beyond the university” (Undergraduate Catalog);
- Department/program agrees to work with the General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) on assessment.
Full GEC Course Review Guidelines
Questions should be directed to Sam Cocks, GEC Chair.