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General Education

A page within Faculty Senate


The Organizational Meeting for the Incoming 60th Faculty Senate AY2025-2026 will be Held in Room UNION 2310 (Student Senate Chambers) on:

May 1, 2025

The General Education Program at UW-La Crosse is currently transitioning to a new structure with new categories and program learning outcomes. This page provides information for program directors, department chairs, faculty, and staff.

Note: The following information will be posted on the GEC website. Below is a preview.


Proposals for new GE courses and updates to current GE courses must answer new questions in the course CIM form, including the following:

  • General Education Category and Program Learning Outcome
  • Explain how the course aligns with the specified GE category and category description.
  • Explain how course student learning outcome(s) align with the program learning outcome for the specified category.
  • Explain how the course relates to "the broad education of the whole person and plays a vital role in preparing students for life beyond the university." (Undergraduate Catalog)


The GEC reviews course proposals using the following criteria:

  1. Proposal demonstrates course is useful for all students who may enroll, including non-majors with limited background knowledge or interest in the discipline. The course should be approachable, with accessible content and structure that encourages participation and engagement from a broad range of students. If a 300- or 400-level course is proposed to the GE program, it must justify how it focuses on broadly applicable skills and ensure that the level of prerequisite knowledge is appropriate for a wide range of learners.
  2. All sections of the Course Proposal, including the course description and SLOs, reflect the purposes of GE.
  3. Course clearly aligns with the specified GE category and category description.
  4. Course student learning outcome(s) [SLO(s)] align with the program learning outcome (PLO) for the category;
  5. Course explains how it relates to “the broad education of the whole person and plays a vital role in preparing students for life beyond the university” (Undergraduate Catalog);
  6. Department/program agrees to work with the General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) on assessment.

Full GEC Course Review Guidelines

Questions should be directed to Sam Cocks, GEC Chair.

Faculty Senate Meeting Dates

Click on each date below to see the agenda, meeting minutes, and distributed documents.

Fall 2024

Sept.5  Sept. 19 Oct. 3
Oct. 17

Oct. 31-Cancelled

Nov. 14
Nov. 21 Dec. 5  

Spring 2025

Jan. 30 Feb 13 Feb 27
March 13 -cancelled March 27 April 10 (*BOR overlap)
April 24 May 8  

All Faculty Senate meetings are scheduled in Union 2310 and typically start at 3:45 p.m.