Work-Study Employer
A page within Financial Aid
Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program
Unlike other funding options, the Federal Work-Study Program provides students with financial need part-time employment, both on campus and off campus via Community Service. The program is intended to broaden the range of worthwhile job opportunities for qualified students. In order to be eligible for the Federal Work-Study program, students must: 1) complete the FAFSA and demonstrate financial need, 2) be a U.S citizen or eligible non-citizen, 3) be degree seeking, and 4) be enrolled at least half-time. Students are considered part-time employees and are not to be used to replace or displace any full-time university employee. The Financial Aid Office has the sole authority to determine eligibility and award Federal Work-Study.
Request Procedures
1. To request work-study students for the academic year, the designated supervisor must complete a Federal Work-Study Assignment Questionnaire for each academic year. This questionnaire notification is typically sent to supervisors end of April/early May. We encourage the employer to contact all staff members in their department/unit/agency to determine the number of students required for the department before completing this questionnaire.
2. Updating the department’s contact information is important to the success of the program and the experience of the student because the contact person is responsible for orientation, supervision and payroll.
3. Be specific when listing any preferences or requirements (i.e. must have office experience, must interview first, etc.) in the preference section. Typically, students are not interviewed individually but are required to complete and submit a ‘Federal Work-Study Program Assignment Questionnaire’ every year to determine interests and abilities for placement.
4. To rehire a specific student, please enter the student’s name and check the “Rehire” box on the request page. However, there are no assurances that the requested student(s) will be awarded Federal Work-Study or be assigned to your department, especially if they elect not to return to the same department.
5. The request form is available in WINGS. Please see the link at the bottom of this web page to access the request form. Employers without WINGS access need to complete the hard copy form for each term.
6. Below are the UW-La Crosse approved Federal Work-Study positions and descriptions.
Job Descriptions
- Athletic Assistant: General office/computer work, running errands, equipment room, laundry, etc. May involve taking statistics for teams/working for athletic events (evenings)
- Computer Lab/Support: Supervise/assist students using computers and facilities, as well as troubleshooting technology issues if applicable to position. Demonstrate use if necessary. Basic computer knowledge/skills.
- Custodial Assistant: Clean and perform miscellaneous manual tasks in care of buildings.
- Customer Service Attendant: Inventory/stock shelves, deliver/check in/out equipment, schedule appointments, maintain records, clean /repair machines/equipment. Fill orders, serve customers, operate cash register, and handle cash.
- Laboratory Assistant: Supervise/assist students/visitors using laboratory equipment/facilities. Demonstrate/operate machines. Clean/organize equipment/materials. Prepare labs for classroom activities.
- Landscape Maintenance Assistant: Mow, line trim, plant, water. Handle litter and recycling. Maintain fields before and after athletic events. Perform other miscellaneous manual tasks in care of grounds.
- Library Assistant: Gather/organize information/visual materials. Schedule appointments, fill orders, check materials in/out. Straighten/mend/inspect/stock & monitor books/films/other educational resources.
- Office Assistant: Type, data entry, file, run errands, photocopy, greet visitors, answer telephone, circulate mail, prepare class materials, etc.
- Recreation Assistant: Officiate and/or score keep intramural sports leagues. Training included therefore no certification required, though general sports knowledge is helpful. Certified lifeguards also needed for open swimming and water aerobics classes.
- Teacher’s Aid: Assist in preparation of class materials and/or instruction, grade papers, etc.
- Tutor: Advise/tutor students.
- Other: Will need to describe position and duties.
Assignment Procedure
Federal Work-Study (FWS) positions are assigned to students who have accepted their FWS award and submitted their FWS Assignment Questionnaire (required each year).
2. Typically, the students are assigned FWS positions approximately two weeks before the start date of a term. We will make every effort to match students with the department’s needs; however, this will not always be possible since we try to assign students by their interest or major. Students must be assigned a FWS position by the Financial Aid Office, even if a student had been assigned to the department in the past. To check a student’s eligibility for Federal Work-Study, or to see if the student has a valid assignment from our office, contact the Financial Aid Office at 785.8604
3. The designated supervisor will receive a copy of an official "Federal Work-Study/Community Service Assignment" referral for each student assigned to their department from the Financial Aid office via campus e-mail. Students cannot work under the Federal Work–Study Program without a work–study referral from the Financial Aid Office. Additional students may be assigned to the department as students submit their FWS Assignment Questionnaire.
4. The student(s) assigned to your department have been notified to report directly to the supervisor on the referral for scheduling. It is important to notify the Financial Aid Office regarding any work-study student who has not reported to the department by the end of the second week of classes.
Payroll Procedures
The supervisor must complete the “Student Employee Action Form" for all students new to their department and provide all the necessary payroll forms for new student employees and all returning employees who have not been paid on the UW-La Crosse payroll within the past 12 months. The student must complete the Student Onboarding process as directed by the Human Resources Office in 144 Graff Main Hall on or before the student’s start date. The forms are available at
2. Students are paid every other Thursday by direct deposit. Wages are determined by the supervisor/department but must be at least the federal minimum.
3. The Employers need to monitor their student(s) work-study earnings on a regular basis since the department will automatically be charged 100% for any earnings beyond their work-study allocation.
4. All students employed under the Federal Work-Study/Community Service Programs for 2024-2025 are required to follow the academic year schedule:
Students are not required to work during holidays and non-class days, but may work up to 40 hours per week when classes are not in session.
2024-2025 Academic Year schedule:
- Sunday, August 25, 2024 - Saturday, May 17, 2025
When classes are in session, students may not work more than 25 hours per week.
Students are not required to work during holidays and breaks, but may work up to 40 hours per week when classes are not in session.
Funding for Federal Work-Study will automatically be cancelled for all students who do not report to their supervisors by the end of the second week of classes. Students are advised to contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss any problem and/or changes before the second week of classes. Once the Financial Aid Office is notified that assigned students are canceling their Federal Work-Study, replacement students will be assigned as they become available.
Employer Requests
Employers with access to WINGS:
Employer Questionnaire
Employers without access to WINGS, please complete the PDF form and send to the Financial Aid Office:
Academic Year
UWL Federal Work-Study Program
Student Financial Aid Office
215 Graff Main Hall
1725 State Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
phone 608.785.8604 / fax 608.785.8843