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About the transition


One Team. One Mission. One University.

New organization will promote UWL

Two campus philanthropy organizations are “Optimizing Alignment” to form a new, stronger operation to promote UWL.

The UWL Foundation and UWL Alumni Association will join to become the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Alumni & Friends Foundation. The target date for the new organization is July 1, 2023.

The Foundation and Alumni Association boards of directors have been discussing the new organization for more than a year. Both approved a resolution to proceed during their November 2022 meetings.

With any organizational change, we know there is bound to be lots of questions.

We hope to answer many of them here. However, if you have others please reach out to us!


What is changing and why?

Janie Morgan, ’85 & ’86, executive director of strategic engagement, is excited to see the Alumni Association and Foundation office align.

“These two organizations have worked hand-in-hand over the past 50-plus years, and I believe this new structure will help us serve our students, alumni, friends and UWL in the best possible way,” says Morgan. “Our alumni and friends deserve the very best, and we plan to deliver.”

Greg Reichert, vice chancellor of Advancement and president of the UWL Foundation, says the new arrangement aligns with best practices in the industry today.

“It will allow the activities that we do to advance UWL to be seamless and should create a more fulfilling experience for our alumni and benefactors,” he explains. “We are very excited to see it in action.”

Todd Taylor, ’80, current chair of the UWL Foundation, will chair the new organization July 1, holding that role for the first two years of the new organization. Lynda Kohler, ’83, current chair of the UWL Alumni Association, will serve as vice chair of the new organization for its first two years, followed by two years as chair.

The new board of directors will include between 18 and 40 members serving three-year terms, with at least half of them being alumni. New committees will encompass all areas currently covered by the two organizations. The new organization’s fiscal year will run July1-June 30, with annual meetings in May.

The UWL Foundation was incorporated in 1967 to promote charitable and education activities to support scholarships, awards, grants, projects and programs to advance UWL’s mission. UW-La Crosse Scholarships Inc., formerly the La Crosse State College Foundation, and the State College Student Welfare Association, merged with the UWL Foundation in 1986. By 2020, the Foundation’s assets were $39.6 million.

The UWL Alumni Association was formed in 1969 to build and maintain relationships among students, alumni, friends and the university.

Does this mean there is no longer an alumni organization at UWL?

Absolutely not! The UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation is now even more focused on building lifelong relationships with all UWL alumni.

NO memberships, NO fees. Just an entire group of loyal UWL fans staying connected, getting involved and giving back.   

How is this new model beneficial?

With a more inclusive model of engagement, you will become part of a much larger network of alumni and friends. All events, activities and networks previously organized by the alumni association will continue. However, "membership" to the alumni association will no longer be a requirement.

Have no fear, many of the benefits currently offered will remain available! Now, we get to broaden the benefit privileges to the entire UWL community.

Who do we define as an alumnus?

We are excited to use the most broad definition of alumnus and think of alumni as anyone who has been enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Graduation is not necessary.

What happens to the Alumni Association?

The Alumni Association and Foundation is excited to become one brand-new entity anticipated to launch July 1, 2023. The new official organization will be the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation.

I am currently an Alumni Association Member, what happens now?

We are excited to launch a new program -- 


Historically your membership dues have strengthened The La Crosse Experience through networking events, legacy scholarships and honoring traditions. Going forward, you can continue to support these activities with an annual gift to the Alumni & Friends Engagement fund!

Learn more about My Due$ For UWL


What is My Due$ for UWL?

We are so glad you asked! We created a whole website to talk about My Due$ For UWL!

Check out My Due$ for UWL!

How can I support the Alumni & Friends Foundation?

Continue to stay connected, get involved, and give back!

We are excited to continue to support you remaining connected to UWL by hosting events, providing regular updates, and creating a culture of philanthropy.

What is the UWL Fund?

The UWL Fund makes it possible for the university to respond to the campus' most pressing needs, offers flexibility to take advantage of unique opportunities, and be prepared to handle unexpected needs arises.

The UWL Fund allows small gifts to add up. Alumni giving to the UWL Fund says graduates believe in the education they received and the UWL mission. Giving is a vote of confidence in the continued work on campus.

Your annual gift to the UWL Fund ensures the university can continue to keep initiatives moving forward.

Each year, the UWL Fund supports:

  • Scholarships to students
  • Small grants to faculty and staff for professional and program development
  • Research opportunities for faculty and staff
  • Recruiting and retaining educators
  • Special funding needs for campus building projects
  • New programs or projects that represent new ideas and unique initiatives.