A page within UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation
Lantern — UW-La Crosse alumni magazine
The Lantern is printed in July and January for UWL alumni, friends and donors to the UW-La Crosse Alumni & Friends Foundation. Issues are also archived online. Copy deadline is April 1 and Oct. 1. Submit news items to the Lantern Editor.
Archived publications (in PDF format)
Light Reads — monthly e-newsletter of stories
Class notes — subsection of the Lantern alumni magazine
The UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation publishes class notes online in January, April, July and October. The deadline for each quarterly posting is the 1st of the month prior. Submit your class notes.
Building Bridges — College of Business Administration alumni publication
Building Bridges is an online magazine published twice annually for alumni and friends of UWL's College of Business Administration.
Submit or update your information.
Archived publications (in PDF format)
Capstone — College of Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities Alumni publication
Capstone is an online magazine published twice annually for alumni and friends of UWL's College of Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities.
Submit or update your information.
Archived publications (in PDF format)
Science & Health News
Science & Health News is an online magazine published twice annually for alumni and friends of UWL's College of Science & Health.
Submit or update your information.
Archived publications (in PDF format)
Eagle Edge — School of Education newsletter and alumni publication
Eagle Edge is an online magazine published twice annually for alumni and friends of UWL's School of Education.
Submit or update your information.
Archived publications (in PDF format)