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Graduate strategic planning

A page within Graduate Education

A new strategic plan for graduate education at UWL

In December 2021, Graduate Council completed its work on a strategic plan to guide graduate education at UWL over the next five years. 

We hope you will download a copy of Vision 2026: Building Momentum for Graduate Education at UWL. As we work on our graduate programs it is a valuable tool for prioritizing projects, and for seeing how even small initiatives fit into the big picture. 

Strategic planning 2020-2021

Survey of priorities

In April 2021 we surveyed UWL graduate students, faculty and staff from academic affairs, and other individuals involved in graduate education. Our goal was to get feedback about what we achieved from Vision 2021, and about priorities for our next strategic plan: Vision 2026. 


We shared the survey results at Roundtable sessions, held via Zoom in April 2021. Participants brainstormed about ideas for action steps for the priorities identified in the survey. 

Graduate Summit

Graduate stakeholders met to provide feedback on a draft draft pillars, action steps, and metrics for Vision 2026 at the Graduate Summit held September 1, 2021. 

Final draft

After additional editing and discussion, Graduate Council approved Vision 2026 in December 2021. It was brought to Faculty Senate for review and comment in spring 2022.  

Vision 2021

Accomplishments in graduate education from 2016-2021 are summarized in the document to the right (click to open). 

Progress was guided by UWL's first Graduate Education Strategic Plan: Vision 2021: A Strategic Plan for Graduate Education at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.