Dissertation completion
A page within Graduate Education
All students completing a dissertation must adhere to the University Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines for formatting. Dissertations will be archived at the Murphy Library and, if you approve, published online at Minds@UW and ProQuest.
Formatting your document (before your defense)
It is the student's responsibility to ensure the document submitted meets all standards as laid out in the University Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines. Careful attention to formatting details will speed up the editing process. Failure to do so could result in missing semester deadlines for graduation.
Click the button to the right to download the Guidelines. The document includes templates for the title, signature, and abstract pages. Below there is a button that links to videos to assist you with formatting. You should also review the list of common errors.
Committee approval and editing
After you have defended dissertation and completed any edits requested by your committee, your committee chair (advisor) will digitally sign the signature page to indicate the committee's approval of the final content of your dissertation.
You should then submit your dissertation for format editing. Email a PDF version of your signed signature page and a Word document version of your dissertation to hdovalina@uwlax.edu.
The dissertation editor will review your document for proper formatting. This process typically takes several rounds of revisions. Failure to carefully follow the Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines will significantly extend the editing timeline and may result in failure to meet completion deadlines.
Complete copyright release and order personal copies
When the dissertation editor has approved your dissertation, they will inform you that they have submitted it to Graduate & Extended Learning for review by the dean.
At this point, you must complete the Dissertation Submission Form. The form will ask whether you wish to release copyright to have your dissertation posted in the university online repository, Minds@UW. While the majority of publishers do not find the posting of a dissertation problematic, potential conflicts should be carefully considered and explored.
You may also use the Dissertation Submission Form to order bound copies of your dissertation for personal or professional use if desired and pay for those online. A copy for the Murphy Library Archives will be printed and bound on your behalf, paid for by the SAA department.
Personal copies you purchase will be printed, bound, and mailed to you after your graduation. Please note that your copies may not be available until 3-4 months after your graduation date. Contact gel@uwlax.edu if you have questions about the status of your order.
Final approval
The dean of Graduate & Extended Learning will review your dissertation and sign the signature page when they approve.
Once signed by the dean, Graduate & Extended Learning will generate a final digital version of the document, including the completed signature page, which will be shared with you. We will also send it to Murphy Library, for submission to Minds@UW, unless you indicated you do not wish it published in those online repositories. At this point, you may also submit your manuscript to ProQuestETD, if desired.
Graduate & Extended Learning will notify you, your advisor, and college office of final approval via email. Once the college office has received this notification, you will be processed for graduation.