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Graduate committees

A page within Graduate Education

Graduate faculty should consider serving on one or more of the campus committees that influence graduate curriculum and policy, listed below.  

It is also critical to have graduate program perspectives represented on Faculty Senate, and on influential committees such as Joint Planing and Budget and the Joint Promotion Committee. 

To be considered for appointment to a committee, indicate your interest on the annual Committee Survey distributed by Faculty Senate early in Spring term.

Graduate Council

For info regarding the current year's committee makeup, charge, and minutes, visit the Faculty Senate page for the committee

Graduate Council meets 10-11 am on the first and third Fridays of each month while school is in session. 

Duties and responsibilities of the committee shall include:

  1. In partnership with programs, departments, schools, and colleges, regularly establishing, monitoring, and revising academic policies pertaining to graduate education, including policies for graduate student admission, honors recognition, retention, probation, dismissal, and readmission, and reviewing those policies at least every five years.

  2. In partnership with the Dean of Graduate & Extended Learning, sharing responsibility for graduate education strategic planning to ensure:

    1. on-going review, assessment, and revision of the strategic plan; and

    2. implementation of recommendations resulting from strategic planning activities. 

  3. Overseeing membership in the graduate faculty.

    1. Determine procedures and criteria for selecting members of the graduate faculty.  

    2. Review new graduate faculty applications through a standing subcommittee.

    3. Periodically approve an updated roster of members of the graduate faculty.

  4. Formulating procedures for hearing graduate student appeals and petitions on academic policy matters not resolved by administrative offices of the university.

  5. Reviewing Research, Service, and Education Leadership (RSEL) grant applications through a standing subcommittee.

Membership of the committee shall consist of nine graduate faculty. The faculty membership shall include one representative from each of the College of Liberal Studies, the College of Science and Health, and the College of Business Administration, one representative from or affiliated with the School of Education, Professional and Continuing Education, and five at-large members. Any Instructional Academic Staff appointed to the committee shall have been employed by the University for the previous four consecutive years. At least one representative from each college shall be either a graduate program director or a member of a department participating in a graduate program. In addition, the chair of the Graduate Curriculum Committee and two graduate students shall serve as members. The academic deans, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Dean of Graduate & Extended Learning, the Director of the Library, the chair of the Graduate Academic Program Review Committee, and the Registrar, or their designees, shall serve as administrative consultants to the committee. The committee shall elect its chairperson and recorder.


Graduate Curriculum

For information on the current committee's makeup, charge, and minutes, visit the Faculty Senate page for the committee

Graduate Curriculum Committee meets from 3:30 - 5:00 pm on the first and third Tuesdays of each month while school is in session.

Duties and responsibilities of the committee shall include:

  1. Receiving, reviewing and acting on proposals for curricular changes from academic departments and graduate programs.
      1. Evaluating curricular proposals by an established set of criteria.
      2. Ensuring that curricular proposals have been vetted through formal consultation with the academic departments, graduate programs, and the Academic Program Review Committee or other curricular approval committees.
  2. Informing department chairpersons/program directors, in writing, of proposals being considered, thus providing adequate opportunity for departments/programs to be heard prior to committee and senate action on such proposals.
  3. Publishing the agenda of regularly scheduled meetings in a university-wide communication outlet.

Membership of the committee shall consist of nine members of the graduate faculty, four graduate students and one representative from or affiliated with the School of Education, Professional and Continuing Education. Any Instructional Academic Staff appointed to the committee shall have been employed by the University for the previous four consecutive years. Each student member shall represent one of these academic units. The Provost/Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Director of University Graduate Studies, Director of the Library, and academic deans, or their designees, shall serve as administrative consultants to the committee. The committee shall elect its chairperson and recorder. The chairperson will also serve as a voting member of the Graduate Council.


Graduate Academic Program Review

For information on the current committee's makeup, charge, and minutes, visit the Faculty Senate page for the committee

Duties and responsibilities of the committee shall include:

  1. Maintaining and updating the procedures and criteria used to review existing graduate academic programs at UWL.
  2. Scheduling and conducting, in consultation with the provost/vice chancellor, the audit and review of graduate academic programs, including review of newly implemented graduate academic programs.
  3. Reviewing the Graduate Faculty Workload Policy and monitoring its application.

Membership of the committee shall consist of seven faculty members and one graduate student. All faculty members must not only have graduate faculty status, but also be actively involved in a graduate program. The faculty membership shall include at least two representatives from the College of Science and Health, one representative from the College of Liberal Studies, one representative from the College of Business Administration, one School of Education affiliated faculty, and one representative from a professional education program (i.e., a "clinical" degree program, or a program wherein the degree is a necessary prerequisite for entry into a profession). The provost/vice chancellor and the academic deans shall serve as administrative consultants to the committee. The committee shall elect its chairperson.

(Faculty Senate Articles, Bylaws and Policies, February 14, 2017 pg 17)