Graduate faculty status
A page within Graduate Education
Graduate Faculty Status is required in order to engage in activities such as chairing a graduate student thesis or dissertation committee, teaching graduate courses, and serving as a member of a graduate student committee and/or supervising graduate student work.
Graduate Program Directors may access the list of Graduate Faculty online. Inquiries from other individuals can be directed to Graduate & Extended Learning.

Applications for graduate faculty status are reviewed each fall and spring term. However, provisional approval of Graduate Faculty Status (limited to one semester) may be awarded by the Dean of Graduate & Extended Learning following the standard application process. Full-time tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty with a terminal degree may be eligible for an expedited review process. Additional information is available in the attached guidelines document.
Use the button below to initiate a Graduate Faculty Status Application in DocuSign. You may do so on your own behalf, or on behalf of a colleague from outside of UWL.
On the first page, you will be asked to provide your own name and email address, as well as the name and email address of the department chair of the graduate program with which you are affiliated at UWL, and the name and email address of the associate dean of the college for that department. Click "Begin signing" and the application will be generated.
Within the application, you will be asked to provide the name and email address of the applicant, the name of the department, the graduate program and the graduate faculty roles requested. You will also be required to attach the applicant's CV. Click "Finish" and the application will be sent out for review and ultimately to Graduate & Extended Learning.