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4th Annual Wisconsin Rural Health Promotion Meeting October 2, 2024
5 (Category 1) CECHs for CHES or MCHES
OR .5 UW-La Crosse CEUs
38th Annual WHEN Meeting | October 3, 2024
5 (Category 1) CECHs for CHES or MCHES
OR .5 UW-La Crosse CEUs
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are a means of recognizing and recording satisfactory participation in non-degree programs. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UWL) awards one CEU for every 10 contact hours in a continuing education experience. Actual contact hours are recorded. CEUs are offered at no additional charge, through the UWL. In order to receive a certificate, participants need to sign up for CEUs at the time of registration.
- UWL CEUs fulfill continuing education requirements for many professionals, agencies and organizations. Professional associations may have specific licensing requirements. Individuals should contact their licensing association before assuming UWL CEUs will fulfill all requirements.
- UW-La Crosse keeps records of individual CEUs for three years of programming. Certificates are emailed within two weeks of the conclusion of each program.
NCHEC Designated Provider CHES & MCHES Category 1 CECHSponsored by University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UWL), a longstanding Multiple Event Provider (MEP) of continuing education contact hours (CECHs) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing Inc. These programs are designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES). UWL Graduate & Extended Learning maintains responsibility for the program and its content. UWL Graduate & Extended Learning reports CHES/MCHES CECHs quarterly to NCHEC.