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UWL recognizes the evolving workforce reflected in the labor marketplace and is committed to a renewed interest in maximizing operational efficiency. Offering the ability to telecommute can be a tool for recruitment, retention, and engagement of our workforce and assist in meeting the changing needs of UWL.

The university recognizes that telecommuting can be a positive experience that promotes work-life balance and may improve productivity in the employee’s work.  In addition, remote work options may capture a broader audience in our recruitments. 

The university permits remote work arrangements for employees when their position is suitable for such operations.  Human Resources, supervisors, and employees will be required to collaborate and developing workplace expectations surrounding on-campus, hybrid (some remote and some on-site presence), or full telecommuting working environments.

Below are additional policies and resources to help better understand and guide the process of approving a telecommuting request. 

UWL Resources for Telecommuting

Processing a Telecommuting Request

All employees who telecommute, whether that be intermittent, temporary, or on a long-term basis must complete the telecommuting form in order for the request to be considered.  New employees must complete this form within three days of their start date.

Employees should follow these steps to make a request for telecommuting:

  1. Discuss the request with your supervisor
  2. Review the Telecommuting Policy as well as the UWL Telecommuting Guidelines and confirm that the employee can meet the minimum requirements for the policy
  3. Discuss the request with your Human Resource Partner.  In this conversation, the process to request the telecommuting form and if UW System consideration is required will be discussed. 
  4. Discuss the request with your Division Leader
  5. Complete the telecommuting form online through the MyUW Portal

Last modified: 03/03/2022

Policies and Guideline Materials
Information Specific to IAS and Faculty

The Provost must approve all requests for full-time faculty or IAS to teach fully online unless the request is accommodation or FMLA-related. The request should be initiated within the department and come to the Provost with Dean’s approval at the time of course scheduling. In addition, the employee needs to complete the telecommuting request form. All requests/arrangements will be reviewed a minimum of once a year.

Last modified: 08/18/2021

Guidelines for Chairs on Instructional Telecommuting

This document is based on the UW System Telecommuting Policy and the corresponding document UW System Telecommuting Guidelines for Managers. These guidelines are subject to change.

Note: It is understood that IAS/Faculty regularly complete duties associated with their on-campus duties remotely (such as grading, research, and the like).

When is a Telecommuting Agreement (TCA) needed for instructional IAS and/or faculty?


Note: TCA reviewed annually (or by semester if the contract is a semester contract)

Note: UW System is developing a TCA specific to faculty/IAS

Steps (if applicable)

All of IAS/Faculty teaching assignment is in fully online courses.

TCA needed for those who work remotely in WI or from a border state with a reasonable commute (~within 3 hours of La Crosse)


Note: Faculty/IAS within commuting distance of La Crosse who are provided suitable workspace on campus do not have to complete a TCA unless they are teaching all courses fully online.


Note: Faculty will have occasional on-campus obligations for service, teaching, and scholarship such as department, college, and/or university meetings.


At the time of hire, chairs need to make it clear to those who are telecommuting that approval will need to be granted for remote work.


If currently on contract (IAS) or active faculty – the department chair directs the employee to MyUW Portal and completes the Telecommuting Request and Agreement Form prior to the start of the instructional time period.


If a new hire or returning employee (whose credentials were deactivated), the onboarding process will include a link to the TCA once the email is activated.




Works remotely from a border state (MN, IL, MI, and IA) or in WI further than 3 hours away from La Crosse.


As above. Please note that final approval comes from Dean. HR will confirm with the Dean.


Works remotely within the USA but outside of WI or a border state or CA.


As above. Please note, final approval is required from Vice Chancellor (HR and VC consults with UW System).


Works remotely outside of the USA.


As above. Please note, final approval is required from Vice-Chancellor (HR and VC consult with UW System).

LENGTH of arrangement



TCA is needed if for the length of a semester or academic year.


Intermittent remote work is exempt.

-          Teaching remote for less than a semester (such as hybrid, or an “emergency” leave for a few weeks) is exempt.


As above based on the location of remote work.



Situations that do not need to have a remote work telecommuting agreement - TCA


  • Sabbaticals and other forms of leave (including FMLA) -- unless leave spans beyond an academic year (e.g., such as more “permanent” FMLA or ADA accommodations).
  • Hybrid teaching (as some time is required on campus).
  • Summer online teaching.
  • Online teaching assignments that are taught as overload (including J-term).



Upon receiving UW credentials, the employee will complete the MyUW Portal and complete the Telecommuting Request and Agreement Form. This form will be routed to the supervisor for approval. Please use the staff form and omit the daily schedule information in section B (Telecommuting schedule).  The employee should still identify a beginning and end/review date for the agreement.

All faculty and full-time IAS who wish to have a fully online teaching schedule must have approval from the department, Dean and Provost, prior to the scheduling of class unless hired to teach in fully online programs (SAA, Dosimetry, and/or IPSE).  This is in addition to a TCA.

If you have any employees who are being sponsored for either an H1B or PERM as part of an International Scholar sponsorship, you must notify Human Resources immediately if you are working with them on remote work options. The petition for sponsorship may need to be modified.

Last modified: 08/19/2021


If you have questions or need assistance, please contact:

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