Posted 9:39 a.m. Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

As a reminder, the December 2022 institution policy distribution includes for comment one (1) new policy and one (1) revised policy. One (1) new policy:
One (1) new policy: · SYS 6XX, Foreign Gifts and Contract Reporting One (1) revised policy: · SYS 625, Youth Protection and Compliance Click on the links above to view the drafts and ensure that your feedback is captured for review during the post-comment period. Comments can include attachments, including word documents and PDFs. Please submit your feedback by Friday, January 13th, 2023. Please find summaries of the policies and procedures below. |
DRAFT NEW POLICY SYS 6XX, Foreign Gifts and Contracts Reporting The purpose of the policy is to establish general parameters for completing reports regarding foreign transactions required by law throughout the University of Wisconsin System. Federal law requires institutions to report to any Oversight Agency any gifts received from, contracts with, and any ownership interests in the institution by a foreign source. Institutions must report any gifts from or contracts with a single foreign source that have a value as set by the Oversight Agency (alone or when combined) within a single calendar year. Institutions must also report any ownership interests in or control over the institution by a foreign source. |
DRAFT REVISED POLICY SYS 625, Youth Protection and Compliance The purpose of this policy is to establish minimum standards for the protection of minors engaged in covered activities throughout the University of Wisconsin System (UW System). This policy does not supersede any stricter standards set by the institution and state or federal law. The items below have been revised: · Section 2. Changed Responsible UW System Officer to the Director of Compliance and Integrity. · Section 3. Scope statement was revised to allow institutions the option to adopt this policy or adopt their own. Also, clarified the policy does not apply to events not targeted to minors that may nonetheless be attended by minors. Additionally, Third Party Covered Activities was included in the scope due to the clarification of Third Party. · Section 5. Definitions. Updated Authorized Adults to remove completion of training and screening from first sentence as it is addressed in Section 6D. · Section 5. Definitions. Examples of covered activities sponsored and /or operated by Third Parties was removed. Removed second bullet and added Third Party definition and revised Third-Party Covered Activity definition. · Section 5. Definitions. Added the definition of Field Trip. · Section 5. Definitions. Changed Escalation Matrix to Escalation Plan to align with institutional language. · Section 5. Definitions. Revised Youth Participant to align with revisions to Covered Activities. · Section 6. Updated language to align with change made to the scope of the policy. · Section 6.A.I. Changed department to unit. · Section 6.C.I. Removed “to have a designated institutional Sponsor” to correct a copy and paste error in original policy. · Section 6.C.II. Revised registration requirement to define that covered activities are providing custodial care. Removed “have a designated institutional Sponsor” to correct a copy and paste error in original policy. · Section 6.C.III. Removed and put all Third-Party requirements in Section 6.P. · Section 6.D.I. Changed “institutional “ to UW System. · Section 6.D.II. Clarified those individuals requiring reference check screening and instances in which an exemption is permissible. · Section 6.D.III Grammatical clean-up. · Section 6 F. Removed “monitor and report”. Monitoring and Reporting are addressed in 6.L.I. which clarifies that reporting obligations shall be done in accordance with institutional procedures, relevant policy, or applicable law. · Section 6 F.VI. Cleaned up to spell out prohibited behavior. · Section 6.G.I. Explains the supervision ratio for covered activities in which custodial care is provided and simplified reference to ATCP78. · Section 6.G.III. Defined when the need for prior permission for 1:1 interaction is not needed. · Section 6.H. Revised to reflect change in scope to include procedures. · Section 6.L.1 Defines individuals responsible for monitoring violations of the policy, and reporting protocols. Section 6.L.II. is incorporated into 6.I in the revision. · Section 6.P.II. Identifies the responsibility of Third Parties to conduct background checks. · Section 6.P.III. To clearly define the minimum requirements of Third Parties, Section P.II was specifically outlined in one location versus referencing other sections within the policy. · Section 6.P.III. Removed Third Party submission requirement to the responsible entity. Instead, Third Parties requirements are subject to audits or requests within seven years. |
December Policy Action Summary Please find attached the December Policy Action Summary. It details policy work completed between December 2, 2022 and January 6, 2023. This includes five (5) revised UW System Administrative (SYS) policies and one (1) new SYS procedure. Revised Policies · SYS 326, Collections and Write-Offs · SYS 510, Sharing Services/Products · SYS 1275, Recruitment Policies New Procedure · SYS 1277.C, Compensation: Recruitment Bonus Note: Since these six items were approved after the December distribution on December 16, 2022, this is the first notice of approval to campuses. |
FY 2023 Third Quarter Attached, please find the FY 2023 Third Quarter SYS Policy Preview memo. This details the policy work anticipated between January and March 2023, including policies and procedures to be distributed to institutions as well as policies and procedures to be approved. |
Effective Date Reminders SYS 1036, Information Security: Endpoint Protection and SYS 1036.A, Information Security: Endpoint Protection Standard, which were approved on February 17, 2022, will become effective on February 17, 2023. Please direct any questions to |