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ETF Evening Appointments January 2021

Posted 7:35 a.m. Friday, Jan. 1, 2021

Graff Main Hall

Online group retirement appointments.

The Department of Employee Trust Funds now offers online group retirement appointments every Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. Sessions are hosted by an ETF benefits specialist and conducted online via GoToMeeting technology. 

Evening appointments are especially convenient for Wisconsin Retirement System members who have full schedules and aren’t available for daytime appointments. In group online appointments, attendees are in “listen-only” mode but may submit questions via the chat feature to the specialist for the reply. In addition, group retirement appointments are private — participants will not see who else is attending. 

With the addition of evening group appointments, ETF now offers WRS members three types of retirement appointments: 

  • Individual (one-on-one with a specialist), conducted via phone 
  • Individual (one-on-one with a specialist), conducted online 
  • Group (up to 12 participants with a specialist), conducted online 

To schedule your benefits counseling appointment, access ETF’s online appointment scheduling system or Contact Us. Before scheduling an appointment, you must have received a Retirement Benefit Estimate and Application (ET-4301) from ETF. 
