Posted 9:13 a.m. Thursday, July 28, 2022

WEA Trust Portal, Hours, and Upcoming Health Plan Changes
Maddy Portal Closure
WEA Trust will disable its Maddy portal on July 31, 2022. After the portal closure there will be a few changes:
- To learn about claims statuses, your current deductible and out-of-pocket balances, or receive prior Explanations of Benefits, contact WEA Trust customer service at 1-800-279-4000.
- To receive a replacement ID card, fill out the online ID request form.
What will remain the same:
- Your claims will continue to be processed.
- After a claim is processed, you will a receive paper Explanation of Benefits.
- Maddy Virtual Care will still be available.
WEA Trust Customer Service Hours
Beginning August 1, 2022, WEA Trust customer service (1-800-279-4000) will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Upcoming Health Plan Changes
Health plans can change from year to year. We've created a page that will provide updates on health plan changes for plan year 2023 as soon as they become available.