Posted 3:52 p.m. Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Check out these Wisconsin Strong Women morning webinars, which are free of charge and presented by Summit Credit Union, a Wisconsin Strong partner. Register now!
Wisconsin Strong Women: Build Financial Courage and Redefine Your Life
Event: July 13
Every day, our money choices move us closer to or farther away from our goals and dreams. We’ll lead you through exercises that you can use to identify habits, emotions and relationships that are holding you back from what you really want to do. Leave inspired to redefine your feelings about money and claim your best life.
Register for session: July 13 at 8:30 a.m.
Wisconsin Strong Women: Exploring Your Life and Money Attitude
Event: July 20
Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. Positive or negative, they can impact your dreams, goals, and how you want to live your life. You might think positively about many areas of your life, but what’s your money attitude? If you are a saver, splurge spender, stasher, goal-setter or dreamer, all of these, can impact your life. In this session, you will explore your current money attitudes and behaviors. You’ll also create a plan to ask more questions, get advice, and own your money.
Register for session: July 20 at 8:30 a.m.
Wisconsin Strong Women: Money Feng Shui – Unclutter Your Life to Attract Wealth
Event: July 27
Do you have positive money energy or are negative money messages blocking your potential? At this session, you will get tips, tools, and advice for creating more intentional money habits to build wealth and invite abundance into your life. The activities and exercises will get you reflecting and give you time to create steps toward change. Rid yourself of money disorder to attract good energy and flow so you can shift your lifestyle and own your money.
Register for session: July 27 at 8:30 a.m.
Wisconsin Strong Women
The Wisconsin Strong Women financial wellness education series is a part of the Wisconsin Strong: Your Financial Security™ program, offered by the Department of Employee Trust Funds. Wisconsin Strong is designed to empower Wisconsin Retirement System members to maximize their WRS benefits, save for the future, and achieve financial wellness at any age. You’ll find free financial wellness education, resources, and tools at Follow along at #WIStrongSecurity.