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Inclement Weather Information

Posted 2:02 p.m. Monday, Oct. 3, 2022

Winter Weather

As the winter months approach, HR is reminding employees about our Inclement Weather Plan.

UWL implements its Inclement Weather Plan when conditions make travel dangerous or other events cause serious safety concerns.  During deteriorating weather conditions, it should be assumed that scheduled activities will continue unless an official announcement is made via University Communications and University Police. Those who travel to or from campus should use their judgment as to whether or not such travel is wise.

Many factors go into making decisions whether or not to cancel classes, or close the campus. Some factors include:
  • Most students live on or near campus so they do not have to travel long distances to campus.
  • Many students depend on university services (dining, exercise, etc.) that would be affected with closure.
  • Unlike K-12 schools, university students are adults who can make reasonable decisions about their safety. 
  • The university can't schedule additional days to make up for lost class time, as K-12 schools do. 
  • Students pay for their education through tuition and have a right to attend classes they have paid for. 
  • Faculty and instructional academic staff have the ability to individually make decisions about whether to hold class or make other accommodations due to weather.

When the plan is implemented, employees, students and others should look to the following for changes to the regular university schedule:

Inclement Weather Policy for university faculty and staff

University employees should consult the university's Inclement Weather Policy [] in making decisions about any change in work schedules. 


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