Posted 4:37 p.m. Friday, May 20, 2022

The May 2022 institution SYS policy distribution includes for comment four revised policies, one policy rescission, one new policy, and one new procedure.
Four (4) revised policies: SYS 185, Awarding of UW System Credit in Wisconsin Schools SYS 1202, Equal Employment Opportunity SYS 1256, University Staff Temporary and Project Appointments One (1) policy rescission: One (1) new policy: SYS 1281, Employee Off-Boarding One (1) new procedure: SYS 185.A, Procedures for Awarding of UW System Credit in Wisconsin Schools Click on the links above to view the drafts and ensure that your feedback is captured for review during the post-comment period. Comments can include attachments, including word documents and PDFs. Please submit your feedback for the policies in the 1200 series by Friday, June 10. Please submit your feedback on the SYS 185 policy and procedure by Monday, July 18. Summaries of the policies and procedure are below. |
DRAFT POLICY REVISIONS SYS 185, Awarding of UW System Credit in Wisconsin Schools This policy establishes academic and financial parameters for the UW System institutions and participating Wisconsin schools when offering credit-bearing courses taught by faculty that have been authorized to do so by a UW System institution. The policy puts into action the intent of the WI State Statutes section 118.55, Early college credit program. The following changes are proposed for this policy: · The title was changed to reflect a broader range of Wisconsin schools that partner with our UW institutions to include schools beyond high schools. All procedures were removed from the policy and placed in a separate procedures document. · The policy and procedures reference the Higher Learning Commission faculty qualifications policy which was not included in earlier versions of the policy. · The revised policy and procedures now include definitions of important terms. · The revised version has a couple of redundant sentences removed.
· A statement was added to stress the equitable access to credit-bearing courses for students in Wisconsin schools. · In the tuition section, a clarification is added related to which type of programs is covered by the policy.
DRAFT POLICY REVISIONS SYS 1202, Equal Employment Opportunity Revisions to the policy include: · The Board of Regents updated Regent Policy Document 17-4, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action in Employment in 2021. Our revisions to SYS 1202 reflect the downstream impacts of the RPD changes. · Changes policy language around Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) contents to reflect current federal requirements (no changes necessary for institutions using Yocom and McKee software for AAP development). Some language changes to future-proof the policy. DRAFT POLICY REVISIONS SYS 1256, University Staff Temporary and Project Appointments Revisions to the policy include: · Last year, the Title and Total Compensation (TTC) project eliminated “Compensation Category F” as it related to temporary and project university staff in section 6(A) of SYS 1277, Compensation. SYS 1256 was discovered to still contain references to the old, struck section. This amendment cleans up those references. DRAFT POLICY REVISIONS Revisions to the policy include:
DRAFT POLICY RESCISSION Rationale: · Job titles and standard job descriptions were migrated into our Job Title Library (JTL) as part of the TTC project. SYS 1276 is no longer an accurate accounting of our job titles. Rather than undertake a major rewrite to duplicate information that already exists in the JTL, the preferred option is to sunset this policy. The existing job title list in this policy has been inaccurate for quite a while. |
DRAFT NEW POLICY SYS 1281, Employee Off-Boarding UWSA Office of Internal Audit FY 2020 Offboarding of Employees Audit identified several shortcomings in our current offboarding practices. Policy solutions were initiated, then delayed due to the pandemic. This policy is now proposed to address the unresolved audit concerns and is intended to standardize certain offboarding practices system-wide. The policy has a proposed effective date of September 1, 2022. |
DRAFT NEW PROCEDURE SYS 185.A, Procedures for Awarding of UW System Credit in Wisconsin Schools This procedure supports the policy SYS 185, Awarding of UW System Credit in Wisconsin Schools. These procedures will enhance the quality of these educational offerings to articulate processes that will ensure that university credit is being awarded consistently and equitably across participating institutions. |
Policy Action Summary Please find below the May Policy Action Summary. It details policy work completed between April 19, 2022, and May 13, 2022. This includes one (1) revised policy and one (1) new FAQ document. Additional details and a listing of policies in the final revision stages can be found in this memo. |