Posted 8:34 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024

If you know where to look, Wisconsin is full of fun ways to move in the wintertime!
Start the Move for a Million Challenge off strong by building movement into the winter months. If you aim for the movement equivalent of 10K steps a day, you could reach 1 million steps as soon as April!
OUTDOOR MOVEMENT IDEAS & EVENTS (some events pending snow)
- OutWiGo Snow: Saturday, January 20, Noon to 4 PM at Willow River State Park. Activities include snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, sledding, fat tire biking, ice fishing, hiking and more.
- Free Fishing Weekend: January 20 and 21. Wet a line without a fishing license, trout stamp or salmon stamp.
- Candlelight Hikes: Enjoy your favorite state parks and trails by candlelight! Most events include hot beverages and a fire.
- Candlelight Snowshoe Hike: Saturday, February 17, 6 to 8 PM at Rib Mountain.
- Ice skating, sledding, snowboarding, snowshoeing, downhill skiing, shoveling snow, chopping wood/stacking firewood.
For candlelight hike dates and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ full events calendar, CLICK HERE.