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UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program Advisory Committee Agenda

Posted 11:32 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021

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Tomorrow, Friday October 1, 2021, there will be a meeting of the SRP Advisory Committee from 10:00am to 11:30am.

UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program Advisory Committee
Friday, October 1, 2021 – 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Via WebEx Conference

10:00 am  1. Welcome and introductions
10:05 am  2. Review and approval of April 30, 2021 TSARC Meeting Minutes +*
10:10 am  3. Fiduciary Responsibility Training – Jennifer Lattis, Deputy General Counsel
10:20 am  4. Investment Review and Investment Subcommittee Update+ – Dan Pawlisch, Leon Kung, Aon
Investments USA Inc
10:35 am  5. Ameriprise and Lincoln Loans+*
10:45 am  6. Report on transition to two recordkeepers
10:55 am  7. Communication Subcommittee and Communications Report+ – Lindsay Stortz, Willis Towers
Watson, Rose Stephenson, TIAA and Fidelity
11:10 am  8. TSA 403(b) Program Updates

  1. Plan Administration and Operational Updates+
  2. Financial Report+

11:20 am  9. Appreciation*
11:25 am  10. Next Meetings: Potential Dates; have your calendars handy

  1. Plan Document Proposal – Friday, November 5, 12, or ?, 2021
  2. 2022 Spring Meeting– April 22 or 29, 2022 or?

11:30 am  11. Adjourn*

+Attachment(s) *Action item 
