Posted 12:50 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022

The current policy requiring face coverings indoors is set to end on March 11 – the Friday before spring break. The indoor requirement will sunset that day, and campus policy will change to “face coverings recommended indoors” starting March 12.
This message was sent to all of the campus campus community on 2/23/2022
UWL indoor mask requirement will sunset March 11.
The current policy requiring face coverings indoors is set to end on March 11 – the Friday before spring break. The indoor requirement will sunset that day, and campus policy will change to “face coverings recommended indoors” starting March 12.
Though face coverings will be “recommended” after March 11, we strongly encourage their continued use in the classroom and we will continue to provide surgical masks at building entrances. We expect UWL students, faculty, and staff to have easy access to a mask and be considerate and responsive if asked to mask by others.
There will be a small number of exceptions where masking will continue to be required, including the Student Health Center, Campus Child Center, Counseling & Testing Center and our Cartwright vaccination and testing clinics. Additionally, individuals will continue to be expected to follow established isolation and quarantine guidelines, which may include strict masking while in public spaces.
Face coverings, if properly worn, will remain a common and easy tool to help limit the transmission of illnesses – COVID or otherwise. We are grateful to each of you for doing your part to keep our campus safe and healthy.