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Vacation Carry Over March 2021

Posted 7:33 a.m. Monday, March 1, 2021

Graff Main Hall

Extension of vacation hours approved.

On March 11, 2021, UW System President Thompson approved an interim policy extending the use of any remaining FY19 and FY20 hours in vacation carryover through October 9, 2021, for those employee groups whose leave is based on a fiscal year basis, (faculty, academic staff, and limited).    


Employees maintain two vacation leave banks.  The first consists of the current fiscal year vacation allowance.  The second is the vacation carryover bank.  The carryover bank consists of any hours, unused, from the previous year and expires one year after the rollover.  Faculty, Academic Staff, and Limited appointments accrue vacation on a fiscal year basis, while University Staff accrues leave on a calendar year basis. 

New policy

In April of 2020, an interim policy established that all FY19 vacation carryover hours would roll over, unrestricted, along with any FY20 vacation hours to the vacation carryover bank.  Given the operational considerations which may have limited an employee’s ability to utilize their paid time off entitlements, this interim policy grants one final extension for the use of carried over vacation time through October 9, 2021. There will be no further extension to the fiscal year 2020 personal holiday.

Current year vacation rollover

For faculty, academic staff, and limited employees who accrue leave on a fiscal year basis, the regular vacation carryover process will resume, (i.e., up to 40 hours of current fiscal year vacation hours automatically roll over into the vacation carryover account - anything above the 40 hours must be approved by your division).  The carryover form will not be available until June 2021 on the HR website.  


A Non-Instructional Academic Staff member has 125 hours in their vacation carryover account on June 30, 2021.  These hours will rollover, unrestricted on July 1, 2021, and be available for use through October 9, 2021.  

The same Non-Instructional Academic Staff member has 176 hours of vacation in their current fiscal year 'vacation' account on June 30, 2021.  They request that in addition to the 40 hours that automatically rollover, that an additional 40 carryover into the next fiscal year.  On October 10, 2021, their vacation carryover account will be 80 hours.  


Learn more about the new interim policy: 
