Hourly employee payroll
A page within Human Resources
Payroll Calendar Updates
To help provide better resources, please note the "Payroll Calendar" link is now located on the right column, (if viewing from a desktop), or at the bottom, (if viewing on a tablet or mobile device). Please note that ALL payroll forms are due to UWL HR 5 days prior to the payroll deadlines of UWSS for payment on the upcoming pay period(s).
Hourly employee payroll resources
- Timesheets
- ESS/MSS electronic time and leave reporting
- Legal holidays
- Annual paid leave summary (.pdf)
- Annual W-2 tax statements
- Earnings statements - accessing your statements
- Earnings statements - understanding your statements
Payroll deductions
Most deductions for benefits will be divided evenly between the first two pay periods of each month. In months when there are three pay periods, benefits deductions will not be taken from that pay period with the exception of Wisconsin Retirement System, Tax Sheltered Annuity 403(b), and Wisconsin Deferred Compensation 457 contributions.
Time and Leave reporting
Use the ESS/MSS electronic time and leave reporting process to report all hours and leave used in the bi-weekly pay period.