Acclimation of Animals
A page within IACUC
The “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th Edition” states: “…newly received animals should be given a period for physiologic, psychological, and nutritional acclimation before their use.” Transportation and ‘new surroundings’ have been documented to affect normal physiology and function of animals. Acclimation is an important component of animal welfare, animal well-being, and stable research outcomes.
- All newly received animals require a minimum of 72 hours to acclimate before experimental use.
- Exceptions to the 72-hour acclimation period require IACUC approval or approval from the Attending Veterinarian.
- The 72-hour acclimation period is not required for embryonic animals (e.g. chickens) or animals that are involved in terminal, non-survival procedures.
- The completion of the acclimation period is not a replacement for a quarantine period (7 days), although the acclimation and quarantine periods may run concurrently.
Although the mandatory acclimation period is 72 hrs, investigators should conduct a careful review of the type of species used, the method/duration of transportation, and the procedures performed to determine appropriate acclimation times.
Policy Adoption Date: 11/12/2013
Revised: 1/5/2024
Reference Minutes: 11/12/2013; 12/1/2023