Navigate Student App
A page within Navigate
Why Navigate360?
Navigate360 is a leading customer relationship management system (CRM) for higher education that helps schools proactively manage student success and retention. At UWL we aim to use the tools provided in the Navigate platform to create a Coordinated Care Network to support the needs of our students.
UWL Navigate360 Leadership Team
Core Team
Jamie Schweiger, Academic Advising Center - Navigate Functional Lead
Colleen Schulz, Program Coordinator Student and Family Programs
Sandra Grunwald, Associate Vice Chancellor
Graciela Engen, Institutional Research - Director
Brenda Murray, Institutional Research - Institutional Policy Analyst
Betsy Morgan, Provost
Care Unit Advisory Team
Laura Lauderdale, Office of Multicultural Student Services - Retention Specialist
Darlene Geiger, Student Support Services - Advising Manager
Eugenia Turov, Tutoring & Learning Center - Director
Amanda Abrahamson, Student Life Office - Student Life Specialist
Deb Sazama, Athletics - Head Volleyball Coach
Leah Hoem, Financial Aid Office - Functional IT Lead
Andie Coxey, Residence Life - Coordinator for Engagement and High Impact Practices
Academic Department Advisory Team
Todd Weaver, Chemistry & Biochemistry - Professor
Sierra Rooney, Art - Assistant Professor
Stacy Trisler, Marketing - Teaching Associate Professor
Melanie Healy, Exercise & Sport Science - Teaching Associate Professor
Jenn Pinnow, School of Education - Academic Services Director
Nicole Vidden, College of Business Administration - Academic Services Director
The Navigate360 Student app is available for students at UWL to support your academic experience. You can schedule advising and tutoring appointments, view your class schedule, check out academic holds, and more! The app can be downloaded at anytime by any UWL student. However, we particularly encourage it for undergraduates. Please see below for information on how to use the app.
Where you do you go to download the app?
The Navigate360 Student app is available in the Apple App Store here:
And it's also available in the Google Play store for Android users here:
What do you do once the app is downloaded?
After you download the app, you have to search for UWL. Simply searching for "La Crosse" will find it!
Locate UWL in the Navigate Menu
Next, log in with your UWL student ID and password.
Log in with your UWL credentials
Once you get access to the app it will ask you to take a quick survey to help us get to know you better.
Navigate Intake Survey
Can I access the Navigate360 Student app on my computer?
Yes, you can access the Navigate360 Student app on your computer if you don't have or don't want to use your smart phone:
How do I find my advisor and instructors?
Find the Resources IconResources Icon
Select advisor or instructor, then select the person you are looking to contact. All current advisors or instructors will be present in the list.
Locating Advisor Contact
View instructor information
What are to-dos?
To-Dos are notifications are helpful reminders of upcoming dates that are relevant to students. Examples can include: the last day to withdraw from a course, when to pick up textbooks, when tuition is due, and more.
Screenshot of Student App To Do
You can click into to-do items for more information.Snapshot of to-do exampleYou can also create your own to-do items by clicking "add a personal to-do"
Create a to-do
You can then complete the details of the to-do item including title, due dates, and notes to yourself.Add personal to do information
What UWL resources are available in the app?
Essentially you can find information about every campus resource that is available to you. You'll be able to find out office locations, email addresses, phone numbers, and information about the basics of each office.
App Resources
How do I schedule an appointment in the app?
Select the appointments icon from the home menu.Appointments IconView previously scheduled appointments, or click "Schedule an Appointment" to create a new appointment.
Create appointments menu
Select the type of appointment you would like to make by selecting a type of appointment:
Select the appointment typeSelect the service:
Select the service
Select the first date you would like to look for an appointment time:Select an appointment time
Select a time that works for your schedule:
Select a time
Select if you wish to meet in-person, virtually, or over the phone (appointment types vary by location)Select appointment modality
Read the details of the appointment to make sure you have selected the correct date and time, enter in the comments anything you would like the person you are meeting with to know.Confirm details
Then, decide if you would like to receive email and/or text reminders. Then click "Schedule" to book your appointment.Select reminders to receive and schedule appointment
Confirm your appointment details, and read under "Details" any information the person you are meeting with would like you to know. Confirm your appointment details
How do I view an appointment summary after an appointment?
From the home screen, select the My Docs icon.Select My Docs on the Main Menu
Select Appointment SummariesSelect Appointment Summaries
Select the appointment summary you would like to view.Select the appointment summary you would like to view
Review the information entered by your advisor. Appointment summaries are available to be viewed in Navigate Student for 120 days after they have been entered.Example appointment summary
What are Study Buddies, and how to I opt in?
Study Buddies is a feature that allows you to connect with people who are taking the same courses as you. If you opt in you will be able to message other students who have also opted in and then you figure out the best way to study together!
Select the Study Buddy Icon from the Navigate Home ScreenSelect Study Buddy icon from the menu
Select the "Join" for the course you would like to find a study buddy for.Select to join the course
Once you have selected join, your classmates will be able to see your name and reach out to you, and you will be able to contact them as well.
Select one or more students you would like to form a study group with and send them a message by clicking "Email selected."Select classmates to contactRead the note before continuing to your email app.
Please be mindful with how you are contacting other students message
If another student sends you a message to request to be a study buddy, you will receive an email:
Study Buddy Email Example
How do I view an academic hold?
You may have a hold placed on your WINGS student account. Some holds prevent you from registering, while others prevent your ability to request a transcript. You can view your holds and the beginning steps to resolve that hold in Navigate. Click the Holds Icon:
Select the holds icon
If you have a hold, on the next screen you will be able to select the hold and view the details of why the hold is there, and how you can get it removed. Here are some examples:Hold details example
Hold details example
How do I view my class schedule?
To view your schedule simply select the "Class Schedule" icon on the home screen or the drop down menu.
Select course schedule icon
You can view a list or schedule view of your courses for the current semester.Schedule list view
Course schedule calendar view
What are progress reports?
Progress reports allow instructors to provide students with feedback that will contribute to their overall success as a college student. These progress reports are designed to:
- provide feedback about academic progress concerns
- increase communication between students and their instructors
- remind students of UWL resources for student success.
- Not all instructors may provide feedback via progress reports, use is highly encouraged, but is voluntary. Students are encouraged to speak to their instructors if they have questions about their progress in a course.
What does this mean for me as a student.
During the semester, students will receive an email notifying them that a progress report has been created by one of their instructors.
You can view feedback received in Navigate360 Student by following these steps:
Select the My Docs Icon in Navigate360.My Docs Icon
Select Progress ReportsSelect Progress ReportsSelect the progress report you would like to view to see the details of the feedback left by your instructor. An instructor may or may not have entered concerns.
Example Progress Report
Example Progress Report