Evidence of Student Learning
A page within Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning (IRAP)
Evidence of Student learning graphic
The results of our assessment processes are shared on this page. They are broken out into areas for University Wide projects, Program Assessment, and General Education Assessment. The process of collecting this evidence is an ongoing endeavor and therefore results will be updated as they become available. If you are interested in any item presented here or have questions, please contact Patrick Barlow, University Assessment Coordinator.
Assessment Results
Evidence of Student Learning: University Wide Assessment
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
Our results from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) have indicated patterns of engagement that help support student learning and some areas for improvement. It is difficult to capture the richness of this data set but university staff and faculty are presented with the reports and seek to use them as guide to process or program refinements. See below for a selection of our results. Note that UWL, along with our peer UW Comprehensive Universities, administer the NSSE on a three year cycle, most recently in Spring 2023.
Previous Administration 2020:
Evidence of Student Learning : Program Level
Each academic program at UWL makes use of assessment to collect evidence on student learning of the intended learning outcomes for the program. These results are reported on a regular basis. Exemplars of reports of programs across our colleges are shared below.
College of Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities
- Archaeological Studies
- Sociology
College of Science & Health
- Biology
- Exercise & Sports Science: Sports Management
College of Business Administration
- College Wide Core Assessment
- Economics
School of Education, Continuing, and Professional Education
- Educational Studies
Evidence of Student Learning: General Education Program
The General Education Program has collected the results of the course embedded process over several cycles. The results of the tasks are combined and reported in terms of the levels of students showing performance on the task in the categories of exemplary, proficient, competent, under-developed, and unsatisfactory. These counts of students in each performance level are then aligned with the six program student learning outcomes to produce a report.
The initial summary of rubric ratings from 2010-2015 is presented below. In 2015 the process began to be administered via a new software and that data is being organized to produce a similar report. It will be shared when available.
Results for General Education Assessment Process
Course Level Assessment Evidence
Individual faculty members are also active in the direct assessment of learning outcomes specific to their individual courses. Direct assessment involves the collection of information from student artifacts, works, presentations, performances where they are asked to directly display the intended student learning outcomes. Faculty may also desire to assess newly designed courses or use of new teaching strategies through this level of assessment.
Faculty who are being reviewed for promotion are expected to report on the direct assessment of student learning outcomes as indicated in the JPC guidelines. The candidate should show how the results from an assessment informed a change in teaching and re-assessment of student learning. Examples of evidence appendices regarding direct assessment are available off the Provost’s promotion resource page.
Examples of Course Level Assessment
Below are some examples for course level assessment as used in the promotion process. UWL Faculty and Instructors can access via Office 365 using your login credentials.
- Borja (MUS) - Assessment of Music History Sequence
- Borja (MUS) - MUS 201 Musical Cultures Assessment
- Chedister (MTH) - Use of Exit Ticket for Formative Assessment in MTH 136 Math for Elementary Teachers II
- Hawkes (ART) - Course Revision Case Study: Intro to Digital Photography
- Hawkes (ART) - Sample Assignments and Assessment Documents
- Cooper Stoll (SOC) - Sample SLOs and Assessment Instruments for Foundations of Sociological Analysis
- Cooper Stoll (SOC) - Sample SLO and Assessment Instruments for Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
- Dale (POL) - Direct Assessment for POL 251 Political Theory
- Dale (POL) - Direct Assessment for POL 355
- Haried (IS) - Assessment of Problem Solving SLO in the Information Systems Major
- King-Heiden (BIO) - Assessing Biology Major SLO 'Interpreting and Producing Graphs' in BIO 105 General Biology
- Graham (MKT) - Direct Assessment for MKT 365, Direct Assessment for MKT 386
For more information concerning course assessment, contact University Assessment Coordinator Dr. Patrick Barlow .
Evidence of Student Learning
University Wide Evidence Archive
Archive of Past University Wide Assessment Results
More information about UWL's past performance on the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) can be found by reading the following executive summaries:
- NSSE 2017 UWL Snapshot Report
- 2014 Reports :
- 2011 Summary Report
- 2008 Summary Report
- 2006 Summary Report
- 2004 Summary Report
Past reports on the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+) are listed below.
Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA)
The Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+) analyzes students' written responses to a set of tasks that include analyzing complex materials to produce a response to a work like issue (Performance Task) or alternatively responding to question based on a focused written passage to demonstrate a distinct skill (Scientific & Quantitative Reasoning, Critical Reading & Evaluation, Critique an Argument). Students' abilities to think critically, reason analytically, solve problems, and communicate clearly and cogently are assessed by these tasks. The CLA+ is used as part of our assessment of the general education program.
This report presents our most recent results on this measure:
- 2010-2011 Summary Report
- 2010-2011 CLA Institutional Report
- 2007-2008 Summary Report
- 2007-2008 CLA Institutional Report