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Complete your undergraduate and master's degrees in just 5 years! 

Completing the dual degree program in Outdoor, Recreation, Tourism and Event Management is a great opportunity for highly motivated students.

Our dual degree program enables students to complete two degrees: a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Outdoor, Recreation, Tourism and Event Management (multiple emphases are available) plus a Master of Science (MS) in Recreation Management. Nine credits worth of coursework count toward both degrees. 

Our dual degree students spend less time in school and pay less tuition, because they are completing in five years what would typically take six years if the degrees were completed separately.

  • Current UWL Outdoor, Recreation, Tourism and Event Management majors may request admission to the dual degree major any time.
  • To be eligible to enroll in graduate courses a student must have a minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.85/4.0 and a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0/4.0.
  • Undergraduate students who have been accepted into the dual degree major will be allowed to take REC 500, 502, and either 504 or 520, depending on their emphasis. These classes will count towards both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. 
  • Graduate courses cannot be taken until the student has completed 75 undergraduate credits and applied as a Special Non-Degree Graduate Student.

Advising overview

Individual student schedules will vary, depending on internship timing, etc. Please work closely with Graduate Program Director Dr. Kate Evans to develop your personalized plan. 
 When? What?  Special notes 
Whenever you choose to pursue the dual degree Declare your dual degree major To be eligible to enroll in graduate courses a student must have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.85 and a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0. 
Semester prior to enrolling in first 500-level course Apply as a non-degree seeking graduate student Graduate Program Director Dr. Kate Evans will provide instructions.
Spring of junior year, fall of senior year (or spring of senior year, if applicable) Take REC 500, 502, and 504 or 520 (depending on emphasis) You will pay undergraduate tuition this semester.
Fall of senior year Prioritize the completion of required undergraduate courses and get ready for transition to graduate student status. Please be aware, there are no Pell grant awards for graduate students, and other aspects of your Financial aid award will also be impacted when you become a graduate student. Please review the Recreation Management MS program Financial aid page and reach out to the Financial Aid Office if you have questions.
Fall of senior year Apply to the Recreation Management MS graduate program as a regular graduate student applicant.   See the Recreation Management MS program Application process page.
Fall of 5th year Take REC 701, 731, and 735 You will pay graduate tuition this semester.
Spring of 5th year Complete the rest of your MS program requirements You will pay graduate tuition this semester