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The MSE program is the largest participant in graduate international education at UWL

A track record of success

The UWL MSE program has welcomed international students from India, Nepal, Vietnam, the Netherlands, and many other nations.

Our department has hosted over 10 visiting scholars from our collaboration partners.

Reach out to Graduate Program Director Mao Zheng for more information!

Dual Degree Programs
for International Partner Universities

Bengaluru Pop-Up

Successful completion of the requirements of this collaborative program will result in a B.Tech degree conferred by Presidency University and a Master of Software Engineering degree (MSE) to be conferred by the authority of the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse.

Program Structure

  • This program is structured as a 3.5 + 1.5 program: students will complete 3.5 years of their undergraduate degree work at PU and 1.5 years of graduate work at UWL.
  • Presidency University will award an undergraduate degree to the students after successful completion of their first 9 credits at UWL.

  • During their 1.5 years at UWL, students will complete a total of 36 graduate credits that will includes all coursework necessary to complete the UWL MSE degree.

All courses both at UWL and PU will be taught in English.

To learn more about Presidency University visit their website at

Wuhan Pop-Up

Successful completion of the requirements of this collaborative program will result in a BS degree conferred by SCMU and a Master of Software Engineering degree (MSE) to be conferred by the authority of the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse.

Program Structure

  • This program is structured as a 3 + 2 program: students will complete 3 years of their undergraduate degree work at SCMU and 2 years of graduate work at UWL.

To learn more about SCMU visit their website at

Kaohsiung Pop-Up

Successful completion of the requirements of this collaborative program will result in a BS degree conferred by the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology and a Master of Software Engineering degree (MSE) to be conferred by the authority of the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse.

Program Structure

  • This program is structured as a 3 + 2 program: students will complete 3 years of degree work at NKUST and 2 years at UWL. The two years at UWL will consist of two academic years of graduate study (four semesters). 
  •  During this time students will complete a total of 36 credits that will include all coursework for the MSE degree.

All courses taught at UWL will be taught in English while courses taught at NKUST will be taught in Chinese or English.

To learn more about the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology visit their website at

Welcome to International Education & Engagement (IEE) at UW-La Crosse!

Our team of advisors and knowledgeable student staff are here to offer specialized support for international students and scholars. We are here to assist you with questions about your immigration status, visa and work permits, scholarships, and much more!

Grad student develops new podcasting platform

Logan Larson, a graduate student in UWL's Software Engineering program, has developed a new podcasting app, "Castify."

Learn more about Grad student develops new podcasting platform

COVID innovator

"It’s surreal to be able to contribute in a positive way to a situation like this using skills that I’ve been building over the last four years," says MSE student Jacob McAllister.

Learn more about COVID innovator