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A page within Murphy Library

Create a course reserve

Want to put an item on reserve for your course? Here's how it works:

  • Materials such as circulating (Murphy Library-owned) and personal copies of books and DVDs and limited numbers of textbook rental items are eligible for reserve.
  • Inter-library loan and items owned by other libraries may not be placed on reserve.
  • You may request that the library purchase items for reserve by completing the materials request form.
  • Access Services staff will adjust the type, scope, and number of items made available with consideration of copyright law and fair use guidelines (see our Copyright Guide).
  • Please allow one week for reserves processing and placement.
  • Once an item is on reserve, students may checkout the item at the circulation help desk.
  • All reserve materials will be removed and shelved or returned to the faculty member at the end of each semester.

To request that items be placed on reserve, please fill out this form:

Course reserves request form

Loan period

Type of material

Find resources by patron type: Distance learners, Emeritus, Graduate students, Alumni, etc.

Distance Learners

The Resources for Distance Learners page provides a collection of helpful information for students studying off campus.

Emeritus Faculty

Murphy Library extends to emeritus faculty the use of computers within the library, Resource Sharing/Interlibrary Loan of materials from other institutions, and the searching of licensed e-resource databases and online journals. For information on how to access resources, please use the instructions provided.

Graduate Students

Not sure where to start? Try our Resources for Graduate Students page.

Faculty & Staff

A collection of resources and helpful information can be found on the Resources for Faculty and Academic Staff library guide.

Community Members/Alumni

Community members and UWL alumni may still borrow materials from Murphy Library. See our Lending Policies for more details.

Locate lost items

Lost & found

The lost and found is located on the first floor at the Circulation Help Desk. Items are periodically turned over to the University Information Center and Police Services, which is located in the parking ramp near Carl Wimberly Hall.

Request library books or media

Request library materials

This is a

You are a

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Please select all that apply

Request journal or periodical subscriptions

Request a new journal or periodical subscription

Reserve a group study room

Need to reserve a group study room? Great!

Some quick details (see room reservation policy for the full guidelines):

  • Before booking, please consult our library hours to ensure we are open for the time slot you are requesting.
  • Rooms 202, 203, 204, 207, 206, 275, 276 and 277 can be booked in-person via the pad outside the door or ahead of time via your Outlook calendar.
  • Rooms can be booked for increments of 15 minutes for up to two hours.
  • If the room is booked and the person is a no-show, then feel free to use the room until they arrive.
  • Please be respectful of advanced room bookings and exit the study room when people arrive.
  • Room availability can be found via our live facility counts.

Advanced booking via Outlook web version (not client):

  1. To book a room in advance:
    1. Select “New event”
    2. Click on the location line
    3. Choose “Browse with room finder” and select any available Murphy Library 200-level room number
    4. Select the date and time for your meeting (up to two hours)
    5. Add an appropriate title for the meeting
    6. Click “Send”
    7. You will now receive an email confirming your booking, and it will block the time on your calendar
    8. To cancel your reservation, select the event blocked out in your Outlook calendar and select "Delete"

Book in person:

  1. Use the pad outside the room to reserve:
    1. Tap the pad
    2. Select the + sign to start your reservation now or select a future time on the timeline below
    3. Extend the room reservation by scrolling to a later time in the day up to two hours
    4. If you want to title your meeting, tap "Walk in Meeting" to change 
    5. Hit reserve now
    6. Having trouble? Hit the three dots to get to the (?) Help button


Request outreach (blog posts or on-campus promotion for an event)

Request promotion

How are you affiliated with UWL?

Reserve a table in the lobby

To request to use a table in the lobby, please fill out the following form and email it to: 

Volunteer at Murphy Library