Course reserves
A page within Murphy Library
Want to put an item on reserve for your course? Here's how it works:
- Materials such as circulating (Murphy Library-owned) and personal copies of books and DVDs and limited numbers of textbook rental items are eligible for reserve.
- Inter-library loan and items owned by other libraries may not be placed on reserve.
- You may request that the library purchase items for reserve by completing the materials request form.
- Access Services staff will adjust the type, scope, and number of items made available with consideration of copyright law and fair use guidelines (see our Copyright Guide).
- Please allow one week for reserves processing and placement.
- Once an item is on reserve, students may checkout the item at the circulation help desk.
- All reserve materials will be removed and shelved or returned to the faculty member at the end of each semester.
To request that items be placed on reserve, please fill out this form.