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Individual appointments at the library

Posted 12:09 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014

Make an appointment with a librarian!

Students at UW-L are fortunate to have so many opportunities to get one-to-one help on campus, whether through The Learning Center, the Counseling and Testing Center's Let's Talk Program, or the many other offices that provide individual assistance. Individual ConsultationMurphy Library also offers one-to-one help, through its Individual Research Consultation program. Though it sounds "highly academic," don't let the name scare you! It's simply a service that helps students meet individually with librarians to help with anything related to finding and using information for papers, speeches, research, studying, and similar. Why would you meet individually with a librarian?
  • If you need several credible sources for a speech or paper, a librarian can meet with you to find the best articles, books, statistics, etc.
  • If your research project requires a thorough literature review of scholarly information, a librarian can identify the databases and search terms that lead to the most relevant articles.
  • If you have never used the library before and you now have a need, a librarian will gladly introduce you to the basics of using those resources most relevant to your project.
  • If you have a group project, your group can meet with a librarian to brainstorm the best resources to complete your project.
When you complete the appointment request form, the library will match your topic with a librarian who is experienced in that area. Consultations can be as quick as a few minutes or may last a half hour or more, depending on your schedule and the depth of the research topic. As always, let us know if you have any questions - librarians are always available to help!
