Posted 11:40 a.m. Monday, May 3, 2021

Meet Collection Development Librarian Pam Cipkowski
Pam Cipkowski is the Collection Development Librarian at Murphy Library! Pam joined the library in December 2019, and as the Collection Development Librarian, she works to build a library collection that meets the research and instructional needs of our campus. You might also see her at the reference desk or teaching a library instruction session. Keep reading to learn more about her!
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More about Pam

Where are you from?
I grew up in the Detroit area and then moved to Milwaukee to attend Marquette University. I spent 18 years in Wisconsin before moving to the Chicago area, where I worked in several libraries, including the Art Institute of Chicago’s Ryerson & Burnham Libraries, and most recently at Lake Forest College. I consider myself a Wisconsinite, so I’m glad to have moved back to the state!
What’s your favorite part of working at Murphy Library?
My collection development activities give me the opportunity to keep up with and see most everything we purchase for the library’s collection, so that’s interesting. My first year was challenging, but I’m fortunate to have some great colleagues that collaborate on projects with me to help get the job done.
What do you do when not at work?
Since I’m newer in town, I’ve been spending a lot of time exploring the area. I recently bought a house, so I’m enjoying just taking the time to make the place my own. Before I moved to La Crosse, I volunteered with a few animal shelters and pet-related organizations, helping with community outreach and humane education efforts. Once all the issues with COVID subside, I’d eventually like to do some similar volunteer work here in town.
What have you read/viewed/listened to/etc. recently?
Right now, I’m reading Barack Obama’s new book, A Promised Land, as well as an anthology of writings about the Driftless Area titled Contours. When it comes to music, I’m all over the board. I recently purchased the Black Pumas’ new album. I’ve also discovered roots music and Americana in the past few years and enjoy listening to artists such as Tyler Childers, Caroline Spence, and Logan Ledger. I don’t watch much TV: Packers games are about it!
What might surprise us about you?
My first job out of college was at a rock station in Milwaukee. I did a lot of production and behind-the-scenes work in the studio, and even DJ’ed the graveyard shift a few times. Had encounters with lots of 90s hair bands, introduced a few bands on the rock stage at Summerfest, and generally had the best time ever!