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Finals Week - Spring 2014

Posted 8:29 p.m. Monday, April 28, 2014

Silent study spaces, later hours, and more things to help you excel at finals.

How can Murphy Library help you do your absolute best during finals week? Use the resources below to keep your study groove going: Free Coffee - Dining Services and Murphy Library are providing free coffee in the library after Murphy's Mug cafe closes at 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13, and Wednesday, May 14. Enough coffee will be on hand to serve 100 people, first come, first served. Pet a Therapy Dog - Therapy Dogs will be available for petting on Tuesday through Thursday, May 13 - 15, from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. on the first floor of the library. Silent Study Room - that's right, this room is 100% silent. It’s Room 12, along the west wall of the library basement. The room seats 8 people, and everyone in the room takes a vow of silence, including no talking, whispering, cell phones, etc.! Quiet Study and Group Study Areas - Use the library floorplans to identify officially-designated quite areas and group study rooms. Individual Study Rooms - These small rooms are along the walls on the east side of the basement. While some of these are reserved, others are open and available on a walk-up basis. Extra Computers - During finals week, the library will open the instruction classroom, which is Room 30 in the basement. It's like another computer lab. Extended Hours - The library stays open later during finals week, starting on Saturday, May 10, when it is open until midnight. Sunday - Thursday, the library is open until 2:00 a.m. See all finals week hours here. Check this page over the next few days - we hope to offer additional finals-week goodies soon.
