Posted 1:36 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021

Murphy Library donates books to Afghan refugees
By Pam Cipkowski
Murphy Library recently donated approximately 50 non-fiction books to college-aged Afghan guests at Fort McCoy.
University of Wisconsin – La Crosse Community Engagement Coordinator Lisa Klein had learned that college-aged women at the refugee camp had inquired about possibilities of obtaining more reading material, specifically non-fiction books of an academic nature. Klein reached out to Murphy Library Director John Jax and Collection Development Librarian Pam Cipkowski to see if Murphy Library could help. Eager to assist, they were able to select some non-fiction material recently withdrawn from the collection to donate to the effort. “It was an opportunity to help these women with their educational needs,” Cipkowski said, “And we were happy to lend our support to the community at Fort McCoy.”

Books donated included titles with subjects such as philosophy, music history, the medieval world, American history, nutrition and exercise, and anthropology.
This is just one of the ways UWL is working to help support Afghan refugees. Learn more about these efforts and find ways to get involved by visiting