Posted 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 5, 2022

People, places and things at Murphy Library
Another semester is almost over and Murphy Library is buzzing with activity. The library is one of the main places to be on campus, and we are always extremely happy when we see lots of you spending time here. We wish all of our students luck as they make their way through the rest of the semester!
If you haven’t seen yet, some library facility improvements took place over the summer, so spend some time and take a look around when you’re here. A revamped Leisure Reading Collection has been relocated into Murphy’s Mug, the library’s coffee shop, which has made this collection more popular. Many blank wall spaces have been brightened with student art. A new whiteboard located under the main stairwell greets users who enter the library with questions inviting a response. Repairs to the basement have resolved flooding issues, and we look forward to the remodel of the basement. Your continued patience is very much appreciated.
Renewal invoices for electronic resources, such as databases, streaming films, e-books, and e-journals are coming in higher priced than anticipated and seem to parallel the inflation rates experienced across the world. Budget challenges remain in the forefront, and Murphy Library is very fortunate to have the support of student funding (via AIDAC) to help provide the critical scholarly informational resources and extra hours of operation needed by all.
Personnel-wise, we are pleased to welcome Shealyn McMahon as our new Outreach and Instructional Library Assistant and Nikki Pegarsch who joined our Digitization unit as an LTE. The library’s longtime Administrative Supervisor, Ingrid Iverson, has announced her intention to retire in January. She deserves many congratulations and rest and relaxation for the great impact she has had on Murphy Library! We will all miss her but wish her well in the next chapter of her life. A word of thanks goes out to the many librarians and other staff who are taking on the extremely critical roles and responsibilities in the Electronic Resources & Acquisitions unit while we work to fill the librarian vacancy.
A big round of applause goes out from everyone in Murphy Library to all the donors who contributed to us during the October 18th “One Day for UWL” campaign. You helped us raise a total of $7,893, which will go toward providing our users with more dynamic spaces, unique learning opportunities, quality resources and increased access to information. Learn more about how your gifts can make a difference on our website.
Please let me or any of the people working at Murphy Library know if you have suggestions for improving our spaces and services! We are always eager to help!
Murphy Library Director