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Search 33 E-Encyclopedias at Once!

Posted 12:16 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17, 2009

Sage E-Reference Search (Sage) Authentication Required Search 33 encyclopedias and reference titles at once! Titles include: Encyclopedia of African American Education | Encyclopedia of Business In Today's World | Encyclopedia of Case Study Research | Encyclopedia of Communication Theory | 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook | 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook | Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience | Encyclopedia of Education Law | Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology | Encyclopedia of Epidemiology | Encyclopedia of Geographic Information Science | Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent | Encyclopedia of Global Health | Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change | Encyclopedia of Group Processes & Intergroup Relations | Encyclopedia of Health Services Research | Encyclopedia of Human Relationships | Encyclopedia of Journalism | Encyclopedia of Law and Higher Education | Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making | Encyclopedia of Obesity | Encyclopedia of Perception | Encyclopedia of Play in Today's Society | Encyclopedia of Political Communication | Encyclopedia of Race and Crime | Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society | The SAGE Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences | Encyclopedia of Social Psychology | Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research | Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery | Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, & Culture | Encyclopedia of U.S. Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior | Encyclopedia of Urban Studies.
