Posted 9:24 a.m. Monday, Dec. 4, 2023

Get to know Payton Schueller, Outreach Student Worker
Payton Schueller is one of the amazing student employees who works in Murphy Library. Working in the Outreach unit, she assists in making library guides, book displays, designing posts for the library's Instagram and photographing students - sometimes she even makes an appearance in some of the photos!
Keep reading to learn more about Payton and hear from Shealyn McMahon, Outreach Library Assistant, about the great work Payton has done during her time at Murphy so far.
About Payton

What is your major and year?
Sophomore, Chemistry Major on Pre-PT track, mathematics minor
How long have you been working at Murphy Library?
Just over a year!
What do you do at Murphy Library?
I work in the Outreach unit helping make library guides, book displays, designing posts for the Instagram page and photographing students.
What has been your favorite part about working at Murphy Library?
Learning new ways to be creative and getting a break from analytical and critical thinking.
What are your future plans (after leaving UWL)?
I hope to attend a graduate program to earn my doctorate of phsysical therapy and eventually be a physical therapist in a sports clinic.
What do you like to do outside of being a student?
I love hiking, going to coffee shops, watching shows with my friends and being around my family.
What might surprise us about you?
I have a huge variety of interests… I love learning about science, making art, trying to play instruments, playing card games and being physically active. Everything is worth trying once!
From Shealyn McMahon
This is Payton Schueller’s third semester as the Outreach student worker, and we are extremely fortunate to have her on the Outreach team. Without Payton, our capacity to generate media would be limited.
Payton is a kind, compassionate and hard-working person. She dons multiple hats at Murphy Library and executes each project perfectly. Her creativity shines through in her graphic design and photography, and she demonstrates meticulous attention to detail in editing images and had to master an entirely new program to accomplish this. Payton has curated books and resources for countless library guides and has helped immensely on displays around the library and at events.
Thank you for everything you do at Murphy Library! It is a privilege to be able to work with you.