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Student Worker Spotlight

Posted 7 a.m. Thursday, May 5, 2022

Shealyn McMahon, Outreach Student Worker

Meet Shealyn McMahon, Outreach Student Worker

When it comes to work that happens in the Outreach unit at Murphy Library, student perspectives are incredibly valuable. We have been extremely lucky to have Shaelyn McMahon on our team this year, who has done excellent work capturing the student perspective from behind her camera and in her graphic design work. We wish her all the luck as she finishes up her time here at UW-La Crosse and begins her job hunt, and we can’t wait to see the amazing pictures she takes on her European vacation this summer! 

More about Shealyn

What is your major and year?  
I am a graduating senior with a political science major and a photography minor. 

How long have you been working in Murphy Library?  

I have been working in Murphy Library since fall 2021. 

Shealyn designed this Women's History Month graphic that reads, "Empowered women empower women," which was used to promote the library's Women's History Month resources

What project are you most proud of or have you enjoyed the most? 

It is difficult to choose a single project. I am proud of the photographs I have been able to capture around Murphy Library and the surrounding UWL campus. These images are archived for future use for the university. I also enjoyed creating various graphics for the library’s website and social media. My favorite graphic I designed was for Women’s History Month.  

What are you planning to do after graduation?  

After graduation, I am celebrating by backpacking throughout Europe this summer. I am currently looking for graphic design positions in the area. 

What has been your favorite part about working in the Outreach unit at Murphy?  

My favorite part about working in the Outreach unit at Murphy has been the creative freedom I was given to make each project my own. It has been rewarding to see my work around Murphy Library and online.  

Any other thoughts to add?  

I have loved working for Murphy Library. I am thankful for the amazing experience I have gained from this position. I would especially like to thank Marc Manke for his support and graphic design/photography instruction. 
