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Welcome Back to Murphy Library!

Posted 7:18 p.m. Friday, Aug. 31, 2018

[caption id="attachment_2923" align="aligncenter" width="860"] Salutations to all students, staff and faculty! From all of us at Murphy Library.[/caption] Salutations to all students, staff and faculty! We have been very busy this summer working on the continued renovations to Murphy Library's spaces and the addition of new resources and materials to the library collection. The next time you visit Murphy Library you will find more whiteboard tables, more silent study space, a new Curriculum Center, +300 new DVDs, fresh paint, and much more! Here is a little more information about all of the individual changes that have happened this summer:
  • More whiteboard tables - the whiteboard tables have proven to be so popular with students we decided to get a few more! Look for additional tables scattered around the library's first floor, with more coming later in the semester.
  • More silent study space on the second Floor - The Alice Hagar Curriculum Center has moved to a new area and opened up additional space for silent study on the second floor of the library across from the Learning Center. Expect even more tables and seating in the space as the semester progresses.
  • The Alice Hagar Curriculum Center has moved - Construction is complete and most of the books are moved to the new home of the Alice Hagar Curriculum Center on the west side of the second floor. This new space will more closely resemble a k-12 library, with a story time corner, picture books, and a dedicated instruction space to help better serve and prepare education students to become teachers. The Curriculum Center remodel and move will be completed in late September. If you need any assistance finding curriculum center materials, please see the Curriculum Librarian, Teri Holford, or the Info Desk staff.
  • DVD Collection - Thanks to a generous donation of a patron's massive DVD collection, Murphy Library will be adding over 300 movies and television series to our multimedia collection. They will become available to check out over the course of the fall semester. Titles include the Pink Panther: The Ultimate Collection of Films & Cartoons,  Clint Eastwood: 35 Films 35 Years Collection, AK100: 25 Films by Akira Kurosawa,  Abbott & Costello: The Complete Universal Pictures Collection, and many more. Remember students can check out DVDs for a whole week!
  • Fresh paint and carpet throughout the building - The building refresh that began two summers ago continues on, and more areas of the library received a fresh coat of paint and new carpet. You'll notice the library atrium as the biggest change.
Here’s to a great fall semester!
