Excavation This section of the site is designed for classroom teachers, educators outside the classroom (environmental educators, museum educators, home schoolers, etc.) and parents looking for information for their children and youth.
Visit the Services & Materials section for information about MVAC presentations, resources rentals, Matching Funds Program, educator training, summer school, and area museums and displays.
Explore the Pre-European People or Process of Archaeology sections to find useful content information.
The FAQ section addresses common archaeology related questions.
Definitions can be found in Archaeology Terms.
Numerous lessons and PowerPoints designed by educators in some of MVAC’s professional development activities can be found in the Lessons & Activities section.
The Need Help? section gets you in touch with MVAC and local resources.
Education Newsletters Archive
To view the online archive of MVAC’s Education Newsletter click on one of the issues shown below for a PDF version of the newsletter. Each newsletter provided content information about a particular topic, a lesson plan and related resources.
Theme: Native American use of the Mississippi River
Theme: Rock Art
Theme: Historic Archaeology
Theme: Cultural Resource Management Process
Theme: Plant and Animal Usage
Theme: Architectural History
MVAC Archaeology Education Program’s Newsletter was digitized with grant funds from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Foundation.
Portions of the Educator section of MVAC’s web site were prepared as part of Eisenhower Professional Development, Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title II and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Mathematics Science Partnership grants.