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2015 Volunteer Field Survey a Success!

Posted 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 5, 2015

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2015 Volunteer Field Survey a Success!

Great weather greeted the MVAC 2015 public field survey this weekend at the Norskedalen Heritage Center, and surrounding fields overlooking Coon Creek. Though the farmers have been delayed in plowing their fields this spring, and visibility was poor in some fields, we found artifacts in several fields and identified a new site in a field that had never been surveyed. Unfortunately, we found no diagnostics except for one point fragment for which we can only say it's older than a Late Woodland triangular point. We also did some shovel testing to see how deeply artifacts extended in a field that was now in grass. This will help us to identify some likely areas to test this summer with the MVAC Public Field Experience in July. We had a total of 40 people of all ages and experience, from novices to those who have worked with us for many years.  Link to more pictures. 
