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Fall 2017 Archaeology Alumni Updates

Posted 10 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017

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Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

What’s been happening -

  • Department of Archaeology & Anthropology (Dr. Tim McAndrews, Chair) has an updated department website:
  • Cultural Anthropology Major established in 2017, largely due to efforts of program coordinator, Dr. Christine Hippert
  • Dr. Amy Nicodemus (2016 hire) brings expertise in the European Bronze Age, faunal analysis, and Physical Anthropology
  • Dr. Kate Grillo will lead another field school in 2018 on early sites associated with pastoralists in Tanzania
  • Dr. Liz Peacock will lead a 2018 Prague, Czech Republic study tour on the Culture and Politics of East/Central Europe
  • Dr. Connie Arzigian continues to teach MVAC’s annual public field school and supervises students who are awarded the Bollman Scholarship for undergraduate research, many of whom go on to present their work at professional conferences
  • Drs. David Anderson and Tim McAndrews taught Intro to Archaeology and World Archaeology in Ireland in Summer 2016 and will teach Egyptian Archaeology and Origins of City in London in Summer 2018
  • Dr. Vincent Her visited Thailand and Laos for the first time since leaving as a refugee as a child, and is planning potential study opportunities in China
  • MVAC continues to offer students and recent graduates on-the-job experience in contract projects and public outreach
  • New 3D Oneota Pottery web page and images by alumnus William Feltz at:
  • MVAC outreach features a YouTube channel and Tumblr blog

Upcoming event -

  • Thursday, November 2 – Annual Awards and Lecture – Great Lake Shipwrecks by Tamara Thomsen, Wisconsin Historical Society

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