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Location selected for MVAC’s summer activities

Posted 10 a.m. Friday, May 26, 2017

Goose Island

Location selected for MVAC’s summer activities

MVAC’s Public/High School Field School, Middle School Field Experience and Field School Open House will be held at Goose Island County Park, on the Mississippi River just south of La Crosse, during the week of July 17-21, 2017.  We will be working at Hunters Point boat landing prior to some park improvements.  Previous investigations at the site found artifacts from a Woodland campsite-flakes and some grit-tempered pottery.  We may also investigate a nearby Historic Euro-American cabin/homestead site.  Stop out during the Field School Open House on Thursday, July 20 to see what we discover.  More information about these events can be found on MVAC’s website at:
