Posted 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013

NEH Summer Institute for Teachers
MVAC has been notified that we have been chosen to offer another National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute for Teachers. MVAC feels honored to again be selected for this prestigious and highly competitive award. The Institute is entitled Exploring the Past: Archaeology in the Upper Mississippi River Valley and is designed for K-12th grade teachers from across the nation. Staff will again be Dr. James Theler, Dr. Kathy Stevenson and Bonnie Jancik. MVAC has hosted four previous NEH Institutes; each with a diverse group of highly committed teacher who were eager to learn about the process of archeology and the pre-European people of the area and to then apply that information in their own classrooms. We’re excited about hosting another NEH Institute and the possibility of working with a new group of teachers!