Posted 10 a.m. Monday, Nov. 12, 2018

Remembering Toby Morrow
From Kathy Stevenson-- Along with other MVAC staff, I was saddened today to hear of the death of a colleague, Toby Morrow. Toby was widely known for his contributions to regional archaeology, especially in lithic raw materials and technology. Here at UW-La Crosse, our association with him goes back to 1980, two years before MVAC even existed. Working under a prestigious Student-Originated Studies grant from the National Science Foundation, Toby and seven other undergraduates joined Jim Gallagher, a large crew, and me on an excavation at the Overhead site near La Crosse. The NSF team consisted of Toby and Randy Withrow working on lithics, Resa Silha and Sherry Neff on ceramics, Karene Motivans and Heidi Fassler on floral and faunal analysis, and Margaret Mills and Chris Hill on sediment analysis. These 1980 photos show Toby at work, including at a public open house where he demonstrated his skills at flintknapping and the atlatl. His passion for archaeology was evident throughout the project, and we were happy to see his contributions grow throughout his career--we only wish his path could have been longer. Our heartfelt sympathies to his family, friends, and colleagues.