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Sanford Archaeological District – Non-Globular Vessel 93

Oneota pottery This non-globular vessel is unusual for local Oneota ceramics.  It was found in the early 2000s at the Sanford Archaeological District in La Crosse, Wisconsin.  The vessel was probably straight sided, with a rim decorated on both the interior and the exterior. The interior has a series of nested chevrons, while the exterior has small, tool-impressed notches. Just below the exterior notches are horizontal tool trails that continue below the broken handle. A small strap handle is attached at the rim. The top of the handle has deeper, vertical impressed tool marks. The decoration appears to stop on the handle and then continues as smaller vertical tool trails on the front of the handle. The handle interior is very rounded and appears to have been formed over a round tool when it was being attached to the vessel. The left side of the handle has a small glob of clay that was pushed through, and the right side has a flattened area.