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Parent Fund

A page within New Student & Family Programs

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By contributing to the Parent Fund, you are providing students with meaningful, transformational opportunities to enrich their experience at UWL by allowing them to explore, engage, and succeed. 

UWL Parents, who serve on the Parent Advisory Board, advise the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs where to direct contributions made by parents to the Parent Fund. 

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2023-2024 Parent Fund Recipients

Eagle Excellence in Leadership Awards

The Parent Fund helped support the Eagle Excellence in Leadership Awards. These awards are designed to create a moment of reflection, appreciate, and gratitude for the exceptional contributions made by student leaders who enrich our campus daily.

Diversity and Inclusion Belonging Initiative

Access, Belonging & Compliance utilized the Parent Fund to encourage students to take a survey. If students took the survey, they were entered to win a gift card to the University Bookstore. "Hearing from students directly helps us plan effective programming, services, and resources." The response rate doubled once the incentive was offered, allowing Diversity and Inclusion for feedback to create and implement meaningful programming for our students.

Residence Life Pilot Program

The Office of Residence Life utilized Parent Fund monies to implement a pilot program, offering crafting supplies at the front desks of two dorms. The craft supplies were meant to serve several purposes: 

  • Being available to students who needed them for a school project.
  • Being available for students who needed a brain break/stress relief. 

The program was incredibly successful and Residence Life is working towards getting craft supplies in all the dorms for this upcoming school year.

Social Justice Week

The Parent Fund partnered with the Center for Transformative Justice and helped fund Social Justice Week. Social Justice Week's goal is to help inspire conversation with research to reinvigorate our lives with realistic and achievable goals to make a change in our communities. This past year, we sought to highlight how identities and intersections of identities impact our communities. The University of Wisconsin La Crosse and the people of the La Crosse area hold many identities within it that shape our experiences in the community. We each navigate space differently and desire a community where everyone feels a sense of belonging. 

Parent Fund Recipients 2022-2023: