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Local nutritionist among awardees for statewide health education, promotion

Posted 8:16 p.m. Tuesday, April 30, 2013

[caption id="attachment_23064" align="alignright" width="320"]Gary Gilmore, chair of Wisconsin Health Education Network and UW-L professor of Health Education & Health Promotion, presents the Barbara A. Lange Memorial Award to Linda Lee, nutrition manager for the La Crosse County Health Department. Gary Gilmore, chair of Wisconsin Health Education Network and UW-L professor of Health Education & Health Promotion, presents the Barbara A. Lange Memorial Award to Linda Lee, nutrition manager for the La Crosse County Health Department.[/caption] A La Crosse County nutrition manager and a Dodge County public health nurse recently received statewide awards for making a difference in the health of Wisconsinites. Gary Gilmore, chair of the Wisconsin Health Education Network, awarded Linda Lee, nutrition manager for the La Crosse County Health Department, and Mary Rosecky, public health nurse educator for Dodge County Human Services and Health Department, the Barbara A. Lange Memorial Award at the WHEN annual meeting April 19 at the Marriott Madison West. The Barbara A. Lange Memorial Award, a prestigious award given since 1995, honors Lange, who was an avid public health professional in Wisconsin for 25 years. She was known for promoting the health and well-being of the citizenry by encouraging partnerships across health-related professions. “The list of awardees reads like a ‘who's who’ of health educators and health promotion advocates making a difference in health enhancement in Wisconsin,” says Gilmore, a professor of Health Education and Health Promotion, and Director of Community Health Programming, Continuing Education and Extension, UW-L. Both a local and regional/statewide award are given annually. The local practitioner award went to Rosecky; Lee received the regional/statewide award. Criteria for both awards include:
  • Demonstrates leadership and advocacy for health education and health promotion in Wisconsin.
  • Empowers and supports others to enhance health through educational strategies.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to health education and health promotion.
  • Offers a clearly-articulated vision for the health of the citizenry.
  • Advances the vision and priority of health enhancement through changes in health-related systems.
  • Advances overall the priority of prevention and health improvement.
[caption id="attachment_22983" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Gary Gilmore, chair of Wisconsin Health Education Network and UW-L professor of Health Education & Health Promotion, presents the Barbara A. Lange Memorial Award to Mary Rosecky, public health nurse educator for Dodge County Human Services and Health Department. Gary Gilmore, chair of Wisconsin Health Education Network and UW-L professor of Health Education & Health Promotion, presents the Barbara A. Lange Memorial Award to Mary Rosecky, public health nurse educator for Dodge County Human Services and Health Department.[/caption] Lee directs the work of the Nutrition Division of the La Crosse County Health Department; assesses community needs and develops appropriate educational strategies and services; consults for the Child Care Food Program; is a member of the Governor's Council on Fitness and Health; and is the project manager for various initiatives including:
  • Communities Putting Prevention to Work
  • Fit Families
  • Harvest of the Month Partnership Project
  • Transformation through Collaboration
  • Healthy Environments, Healthy choices, Healthier People
Rosecky is a registered nurse and certified health education specialist in Dodge County. Rosecky works with maternal and child infant health; coordinates prenatal care; does women, infant, and children programming; provides nutritional counseling; teaches parenting skills and early brain development; and works with pregnant and parenting teenagers.  


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